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Dear Adherents,

Allow us to open up with an apology for the delay in this month's reward delivery. As you already have known by now, we were swamped with the VoidBound's Henosis update patch and much of the team's time went into making sure that you have a pleasant and largely bug free gaming experience. 

That being said, we didn't forget our oath and bring to you the visual goodies!

1080p preference - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1yJgZZLcRQpynFYs_ny6N7fEVdZAYQPVj

2k Native preference - https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1hPm6J3FbBMGibSPcu4JJqBAefyRKDEld

Thank you once again for your continued support and we hope you enjoy the new patch.

Cursed-Atelier Team
Published: 2022-06
Dear Adherents,

             Your monthly care package, containing patron exclusive art content for the month of July, is here. As always, it comes with the entire team's heartfelt appreciation for your kind support to our little project. We promise we'll continue to bring you quality centered content in the future as well. For now though, please enjoy this:

4k: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/10KtPeFyFjotrE_a7O9-dGiK6_hAxW66w

A public post will soon follow within 24 hours, so just in case if you lose track of this mail, you'll still have the option of browsing the Patreon feed to access the archived piece as well. 

On that note, we bid you well and will see you in August.

Kind Regards,
Cursed-Atelier Team
Published: 2022-07
Dear Benefactors,
                 On behalf of the team here at Cursed-Atelier, we thank you for your patronage. Your confidence in our project is valued beyond words and we sincerely appreciate it. Please accept this small care package as your unique "behind the scenes" access to the inner workings of VoidBound.

1080p: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1YqcmFvzTD0cs9EraDJE9zTjClTLo_aCk
4k: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/12O11MDDqxqPKzWv1lp7uOyEmE-O2sbiQ

Thank you again for believing in VoidBound and it's, and always will be, our pleasure to serve you.

Kind Regards,
Cursed-Atelier Team 
Published: 2022-09
Observers o/

Not a month goes by when we don't ponder on how many choices are out there, and we sincerely thank you for choosing VoidBound.
As always, please accept this small care package as part of your tier rewards:

1080p: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1jxzb2rh-C5iYdI282Cte5rLrUwq-IRbh

We'll continue focusing the majority of our efforts to develop patches efficiently and strive to meet our bi-monthly deadlines regularly. In the meantime however, enjoy your perks and we'll see you in the next one!

C-A Team
Published: 2022-10
Dear Observer,

On behalf of the team here at Cursed Atelier, we'd like to extend our heartfelt gratitude for your continued, and valued, faith in VoidBound. Though, sadly, we missed our goal for a release this month, we hope this small care package packed with extra goodies, helps make some of it up to you.

1080p: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1uRKVqHfTpr5C3eyWr5DXXCFsQixcWHJt

We wish we had a release date for you by now but, unfortunately, with development taking some unexpected turns along the way, we're still unable to make an accurate prediction about the expected timeline. Rest assured, we're still aiming between 10th and 20th of March and will keep you posted as more develops.

Till then, enjoy your specials and we'll see you in the next one!

Kind Regards,
Cursed-Atelier Team
Published: 2023-02
Dear Benefactor,

           With 0.5.4 now out in the wild and April close at hand, it's time once again to share with you, your exclusive monthly art pack! 

Initially, we thought to populate some unseen pieces from the latest Slime Chronicles saga, but given how the patch was provided to you so very recently, it made little sense to overload you with a repeat of recently familiar CGs. Hence, it was decided to mix the pack up with some blasts from the past!
Hope it's to your liking:

1080p: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1E5j7zoDxROlb4TqWDwnZH4s9INy0KHPv?usp=sharing
HD: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1bcwqYpZa0QzySs8CdjI7nJw0NSnSuzrp?usp=sharing

As always, we hope you accept this offering alongside our heartfelt gratitude for keeping us afloat with your generosity and faith!

Kind Regards,
Cursed-Atelier Team
Published: 2023-03
Dear Benefactor,

We hope this message finds you well, and if by chance it doesn't, we sincerely pray that thing turn well for you soon! That said, your exclusive goodies for the month of April are ready for your perusal. 

1080p: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1oTVlWzSF0jZdkeiPnQvBbuEMbTTTD13j
4k: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1R2BaIAEjH0d2RrjujUHdJvVuKwODIa0e

Even though development has advanced now to upcoming content, we are still curious if the latest patch has been to your liking or not! Do let us know what you think and if we can do something more to better your experience in the future!

Kind Regards,
Cursed-Atelier Team
Published: 2023-04
Greetings Benefactor,

We bring you today your exclusive art pack for the month of May! This one has a glimpse of things that are to come and then some our regular blast from the past compilation. 

1080p: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1REaTscfN0aFpAg7KNa5ptacf8TwM_5d7
4k: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1PORGjhQZgtnzJnOSbBzMjOu4aiVz5lpT

As we stand in the middle of our development cycle, we wish we had more to showcase. Unfortunately, a lot of things still remain undecided and we absolutely do not want to tease something that we might withdraw later. Rest assured, we'll keep you updated regularly with our weekly reports if anything important makes the grade! 

Till then though, thank you for your patronage and take care!

Kind Regards,
Cursed-Atelier Team
Published: 2023-05