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Yep, Scotman and Icelad are not "lone heroes" - on the contrary, they're part of a large and colorful crew.



Paul Lenoue

Re The Phoenix: I always thought it would be interesting to have a hero who's powers were based on popularity. They would always seek public approval and seem like a glory hog, but it's for a good reason. They've tried to explain it to others but nobody believes them, thinking it's just a lame excuse for selfish behavior.

Garry Stahl

I didn't know I had a part. Can I be less of an asshole about it?

Mark Ashworth

The original Powerpuff Girls did have a hero who got his powers by "channeling the collective manpower" of his home country (sounds like magic, appeared in exactly one episode). It would be interesting to compare a genuine gloryhog against someone like you describe (who would probably go out of their way to appear sympathetic instead of mighty).