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Yeah, I know the military's job is to kill people and break things. Nice, soft people don't take that job. But that's just a LITTLE bit evil.




"Never let a good catastrophe go to waste...."


Course if Orca gets wind of this, which he little doubt will, he and his posse will be on the look out for trouble be digging into every possible source to either get the people's heads back on straight, or get them too scared stupid to do something they will unquestionably regret.

Paul Lenoue

That general is in for a _LOT_ of trouble, and pretty soon too. The biggest explosion ever (in this age) set off seismographs all over the world. Every other nation in the world will be calling the vice president (more on that later) demanding to know what the hell is going on. And here's this general telling the press "We had nothing to do with it. We know nothing about the bomb that caused the explosion. But look, Herman did it all! That filthy rat killed the president with a bomb that can level entire cities. Blame him!" Now the rest of the world will believe the rats (led by Herman) have the bomb, and rats are all over the world. If they assassinate Herman it will provoke other rats into bombing those who ordered it. If they kidnap Herman to get the secrets of the bomb (who's going to believe a rat saying "I know nothing"?) then all the other nations of the world will be threatening to invade to prevent only one nation from having the bomb. In other words, the general just gave Herman enough global leverage to instigate world-wide reforms while diminishing his country's clout. I'm sure the politicians and diplomats who have to deal with the fallout, both literal and figurative, will have words with him.

Paul Lenoue

And now on to the vice-president, who is now president. We have heard nothing about him until now so s/he was probably on the ticket just to get voters, not to have any active involvement in important stuff. So what kind of candidate would they chose? Don't need a rabid carnivore, it scares away the herbivores who probably outnumber the meat-eaters by, what, 20 to 1? 30? That would be the sure way to lose an election, though I'm sure some parties have tried to appeal to their "base" and were surprised at how low they scored when the votes were counted. So it's a good chance the new president is a herbivore (the first ever?) who was delegated to diplomatic missions, fluff speeches and ribbon cuttings. Is s/he resentful? Will s/he get political revenge on all those carnivores who bullied and ignored him/her? Or will s/he have learned how to get things done behind the scenes and become one of the best presidents ever?