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Those are spells, not super powers, but yeah, point.



Perfesser Bear

Tomatoe, <i>tomahto...</i>

Garry Stahl

Clarke's Third law here.


Magic itself is a super-power. But tell me more about "stimulate super orgasms", please. ;-)


"human minions"? or is "human" used in this world as a generic "any sapient animal"?

Travis Sebastian

<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/mink-in-power-7-3455837">https://www.patreon.com/posts/mink-in-power-7-3455837</a>


You don't REALLY become a 'super people' though until your fashion sense inexplicably goes towards tight spandex, latex, or similar materials often with a precise theme indicative of your name or abilities. :3 It would be interesting if Laura actually contracted some sort of 'super hero syndrome' leading her to dress up like that and go for the haughty attention seeking super route only for her to get snapped out of it thanks Melody and Peter putting on a whole act with different absurd costumes before they take their masks off and have her mother step out all in tears. "Laura, please come back." ;.; &lt;3