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Yeah, seriously - there was a time when the President was not supposed to be a murderer. Or at least not admit it publicly.

   Did Obama ever reveal what the "secret laws" were that made it legal for him to kill people on whim (including children and American citizens) with drones? And I don't imagine it stopped when Trump sat down at the controls.

   And Patrons-onlyed because of cartoon nipples. I'm SO tired of this hypocrisy, but I can't afford to risk being kicked off here.



Garry Stahl

Don't forget muff, that will destroy 'murica too! You and me both. Moral hypocrisy, political hypocrisy, the lot. Frankly, if you seriously upheld the law you would have to string up the whole government. It is not who is indictable, it is how much. I hate bringing up Clinton yet again, but in 20 years they couldn't find anything to actually pin on them. Wrong. They couldn't find anything to pin on them that wouldn't leave their asses flapping in the breeze for the same thing.

Perfesser Bear

I think I had that job at one point. That was before they wiped my memory...