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Was it, really? Hmmmmm.....




Yeah, somehow i doubt that SS would be that stupid as to drive in the wide open to an appointment that someone else made. im betting the trick was remote controlled and that they just shot the head off of a dummy.

Wm. Van Ness

And if they drive up beside the truck, they make themselves pretty easy targets too!

Garry Stahl

Savage Squirrel is secretly a cat.


Uh-oh, looks like someone didn’t police their brass.

Perfesser Bear

If I was Savage Squirrel, I'd... well, let's sit back and see what he <i>did</i> do!


If spots there is trying to mimic Triple H's "Just that good" line, he's gotta long way to go . . . and leather lips there better be careful kissing his piece right after firing it . . . lest he singe his kisser/licker, lol