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"Looks like you guys don't like being in heels as much as I do!"

The giggle following the titanesss' lighthearted joke was the final stab in Jessica's ego, as she desperately hung on for her life. She had spent the past two weeks trapped in a transparent container, naked and afraid. Beyond the inescapable plastic walls, giant scientists had scrutinized and discussed about her without ever listening to her desperate pleas. She just wanted the nightmare to end. 

One night, as the rest of the container's population had already fallen asleep and the gigantic world around them finally rested still, something unexpected happened. Used to the routine imposed by her diminished condition, Jessica felt the danger as faint footsteps came in her direction. Quickly and silently, the titaness, cloaked in darkness, made her way over the container. In her vast almond eyes looking down on Jessica and the others, shimmered a spark of mischief that sent shivers all over the shrunken woman's body. A few seconds later, she was sent tumbling around the vast crowded plastic box, as panic struck her now fully awakened companions.

The following days offered no further insights as to who the giant was and what her intentions were for Jessica and her fellow prisoners. Now trapped in the darkness of a simple drawer, the tiny woman could only wait the dreadful and recurring moments her makeshift prison would open, letting the titaness' slender fingers playfully grab a few of them. None of these poor souls ever returned - leaving the others to worry even more about the kind of fate this mysterious god reserved for those beneath her.

Her time in the dark was a continuous effort to remain sane. With no visual stimulation, Jessica could only project whatever was on her mind. Her boyfriend, her family, her job, her real life... Everything she ever knew and loved was growing more distant as she desperately tried to grip onto their remnants. More than anything else, the bright flash of light she saw before waking up in the transparent container haunted her. They had all seen it, but couldn't explain in any way how it had caused them to become so tiny. The scientists who had studied them clearly searched for answers too. Now, however, it felt pointless to find out why, as the delicate fingers had become her only contact with the outside world. 

After calling their names in turn, the shrunken people realized they were the last nine still trapped in there. Jessica could clearly remember being with at least 40 fellow shrunken men and women back in the lab. Most of them were gone now. However, the terrifying thought didn't linger for long on Jessica's mind as light once again flooded the drawer she was trapped in. As usual, the giant fingers followed. Blinded, Jessica ran away from the opening, hoping to avoid being captured. Unfortunately for her, the titanic pads of the thumb and index finger searching for tiny folks grabbed her around the waist and lifted her out for the first time in days. Dropped on a cold surface, Jessica shivered as her pale skin rediscovered fresh air. 

After a few seconds of adaptation, Jessica was finally able to open her eyes and look around her. Her companions of misfortune were scattered across the glass table, all looking as confused as she was. Some of them were her size. Others stood much smaller, making her feel big for the first time in weeks. All looked up, as the titaness cutely cleared her throat to get their attention. Despite how she'd treated them for the past few days, Jessica couldn't help but be in awe at the giant woman standing above her. She looked down, with a warm reassuring smile on her lips. The shrunken woman couldn't tell if the titaness had good intentions, or if the lack of human contact she had suffered from had twisted her perception. Before she could decide, the giant finally spoke.

"Sorry for the rough landing, I didn't see some of you were from a previous batch. I hope you guys are still in good shape cause I'm gonna need your help today!" Lena said with enthusiasm, hoping to bolster the hearts of the tinies she knew she had kept in the dark for far too long. From experience, it was never good to leave them in the drawer longer than a couple days at best. However, her last restocking had ended up being more copious than she had originally planned. 

To her own regret, Lena wasn't wearing the casual outfits or tactical uniforms she was used to. Instead, she sported a suit that, despite its perfect cut, made her feel like she was about to enter a meeting room in some fancy corporate office. However, today was special for many reasons and the British agent needed to look the part.

"Look, I don't have much time to explain but today's special. Now, it's not that it makes me happy, but special days require special gear. Including these..." Lena spoke as she bent down to grab something on the distant floor. As she rose back up, the tiny people spread across the table watched in awe the towering stiletto shoe she had grabbed.

"I know they look fancy, but they really aren't my style. Anyway, I gotta wear these. But, I think I can make the experience a little less terrible. I've tried it before with my trainers and it was a lotta fun. So, do you guys wanna help?" Lena asked. Her question was immediately followed by a series of nods from the shrunken people, too scared to oppose the woman who could, despite her apparent kindness, ever so simply wipe them out of existence.

"Great! I knew I could count on you. Alright, let's do this then!" Lena said, bringing the large opening of her left high heel shoe to the table's edge. Her right hand hovered above the tiny group before landing on its side behind them, forming a wall of slightly sweaty flesh. Finally realizing what Lena had in mind, the shrunken men and women started to panic, running in all directions. Amused, Lena began swiping the glass with her hand, gathering one by one the fleeing tinies before finally pushing them over the edge inside the confines of her pointy shoe.

"You guys were so eager, I was afraid that sharing too many details would change your mind. I hope you're all still onboard to help." Lena giggled to herself as she lowered the shoe and its prisoners to the wooden floor below.

From Jessica's perspective, it felt like being trapped in a leathery desert. The soft sole beneath her feet was still cold and clean, as if the heels had barely been worn. Further in the pointy end, she could distinguish some marks left by the titaness' toes amidst the darkness. Before she could observe this odd landscape any more, a shadow engulfed her world and a piercing scream drew her out of her reverie. Above, the giant woman had raised her nylon-clad foot above the shoe they were all trapped in. The terrifying memories of the past few weeks felt distant as life promised to become much worse for them in a matter of seconds.

"Make sure to keep things fun in here for me. It's gonna be a long day!" Lena spoke, knowing that at this point, her words could do nothing to reassure the panicked few in her shoe. Delicately, her toes touched the leather of her stiletto's insole and slid inside the pointy end of the heel, trapping a few panicked tinies beneath the soft nylon of her pantyhose. Slowly, her heel followed and found itself resting in the shoe as well. Across her sole and toes, Lena could feel the desperate struggles of the unfortunate anomaly victims who had found themselves at her mercy.

Grabbing the last tinies in the drawer, Lena repeated the process, finally completing her attire for today's event. Feeling the struggles of a few diminishing already, Lena tapped her foot twice, immediately intensifying the tickling sensation beneath her toes. After a few steps, Lena felt a couple pops against her nylon-clad skin, as the smallest of her toys already caved to the pressure she applied on their poor bodies. She didn't have time to check - she was already late.

Darkness, heat and sweat had become the entirety of Jessica's world. Trapped beneath the titaness' toes' arch, she could only breathe air filtered by her colossal toes and the nylon encasing them. Worse, with her face trapped between the giant's big and second toe, Jessica could witness the woman's actions so far above through the blurry and darkened filters of her pantyhose. The shrunken woman felt humiliated as the young titaness smiled, talked, laughed, ate and drank all day while she and 8 unfortunate others suffered beneath her. Broken, Jessica cried, her tears mixing with the sweat her face extracted from the soaked nylon as her face pressed further into it with each step. Her teeth clenched as frustration built up inside her.

"Why does this giant brat get to live her life while I'm here!" she thought to herself in anger. But no answer came. Jessica's words wouldn't reach the woman using her, let alone her thoughts.

Hours passed before Jessica finally saw a change of scenery. The muffled noise of the party was replaced by the humming of an engine, then by silence. Each step of the titaness made Jessica wish for everything to end before the pressure finally made her pass out.

Exhausted, Lena finally sat on her bed, ready to be done with the day. She crossed her legs and remembered the little ones still trapped in her shoes, wondering if any had made it. Reaching the tip of the stiletto with her delicate fingers, she grabbed onto it and applied pressure, getting her heel to pop out of the tight shoe with a soft rubbing noise. As the gap between her sole and the shoe grew, the tiny bodies rolled out into the emptiness - some already dead, some barely alive. As they rushed towards the hardwood floor, it didn't matter anymore. 

Suddenly awakened as she hit the shoe's arch with force, Jessica grabbed onto the nearest thing she could, hoping to stop the fall. Barely hanging on, her fingers closed around the leather edge of the shoe. Below her, the ground looked miles away. She knew she would not survive the fall. She screamed in terror.

 "Looks like you guys don't like being in heels as much as I do! Though you all made it easier for me, if it makes you feel any better. Nice catch, little lady. Hang on a bit more, you'll be on the ground in no time." Lena spoke with a giggle as she witnessed the tiny woman's desperate efforts to survive. 

Unfortunately, Jessica's strength had left her. Her bruised body had been far too battered to hang on anymore. In a way, she was grateful it betrayed her. As her fingers slipped along the sweaty edge and the feeling of the drop settled in her stomach, Jessica thought about all the things she had before the anomaly took her. Frustration and gratefulness mixed within her, followed by nothingness.

"Ouch, looks like you got there faster than planned. Well, congrats little one! Looks like you made it. I think I'll have some things for you to do" Lena said, sending shivers of terror through the shrunken woman knelt down on her toes.

Lena looked down to the floor, seeing the tiny mangled bodies of the tinies that helped her today. It was funny, she thought, how a few months back, she would have felt terrible about seeing them like this. There were so many of them and there was no sign they would ever stop coming. The dimensional tear was wide open and it was too fun to stop now...

This one was really tough to make. It took me 6 tries before finally settling on this exact render. Lena's journey with the victims of the anomaly continues as it shows no sign of ever stopping. Clearly, it changed her perspective on the poor souls ending in her grasp. Though her positive attitude and enthusiasm are still here (just more reserved for the people her size) :D

As always, I hope you enjoy this new piece! :)




Didn't know Tracer is a high heel person. :D

John Shrink

Holy mother of goddess tracer that is hot

Tiny Scribe J

Tracer in nylons and heels, never considered her ever wearing such things, but what a beautiful sight. 😍 Excellent job as always.😊


Well I made efforts to make it lore friendly. Every once in a while, the sneakers gotta be traded in for something more... formal :D


I bet she wouldn't consider it either if some of the events she has to attend didn't require it :D Thanks!