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The gasp of surprise that escaped Victoria's lips mixed with the sudden burst of emotion tightening her throat. As her mind tried to grasp what she was seeing. she remained speechless. There, begging through the bars of some dirty chastity cage, stood her ex-boyfriend. Victoria had heard the words before. "I'm sorry, babe", "please take me back" and "I swear I'll change" were all tunes she knew by heart. Despite the rather convincing act, she knew too well it meant nothing.

Victoria painfully raised her head. She could still feel his grip on her neck. Now, it was hard to believe he'd been the one who bruised her skin just a few days past.

"So, feeling any better?" Sasha asked, interrupting Victoria's thoughts.

A chill ran along Victoria's skin as the young woman's eyes met Sasha's piercing gaze. She couldn't believe how calm and confident her friend looked as she held the man's life at her fingertips.

"I don't know yet. Though I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel right." Victoria finally said, breathing for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Sasha's lips curled into the slightest smirk.

"Can he ever... you know...?" Victoria continued hesitantly, worried to pry in Sasha's well-guarded secrets.

"No, never. Bitch won't ever harm you or anyone else again." Sasha calmly replied before Victoria finished her question, already certain of what she seemed too afraid to ask. As if to prove her point, Sasha's index and middle finger holding the cage suddenly flexed, sending its prisoner's face hitting one of the metal bars with enough velocity to leave him with a bloody nose. A desperate and painful cry followed, though none of the titans surrounding him gave it any attention. 

"Thank you, Sasha" Victoria finally replied, relieved that her nightmare had finally ended.

"It's nothing. I eat bitches like him for breakfast." Sasha replied, finally lowering her arm and putting the cage out of view. Victoria couldn't tell if Sasha's use of the expression was figurative, nor could she gather the courage to ask her to clarify. Her friend's face remained stoic for a bit, until she finally broke in a laugh.

"I'm fucking with you dude! I don't eat the fuckers. Tastes like blood and a whole lotta nothing." Sasha replied, enjoying Victoria's slightly relieved yet still worried face.

"So you did try, didn't you?" Victoria asked back, feeling her nervousness slowly fade away as her friend's dark humor lightened the mood.

"If you can think of it, I probably did it" Sasha answered, happy to let her friend's imagination run wild. Silence came back as laughter dissipated - Victoria still had something weighing heavy on her mind.

"Sasha... Can I just ask why? Like, really really why?" Victoria finally asked, feeling her breath stop as the words escaped her mouth. Sasha's right eyebrow lifted a bit, inviting her to develop her question. "It's just, the more I learn about you, the less it sounds like you would do me a favor like this one. You told me you've never let anyone who knew about your ability walk away freely and I'm supposed to just keep on living my life as if nothing happened? As if I didn't know?" Victoria continued, finally voicing concerns she had been too afraid to share so far.

"You want a speech on how the bad girl turned good and turned her life around for the better?" Sasha replied, her tone leaving no doubt on the sarcastic nature of her question.

"That'll be the day..." Victoria replied, a soft laugh escaping her lips as her eyes rolled to the sky.

"Good cause you're not getting one. Fucker beat you to a pulp, Victoria. I'd be a really shitty friend if I just watched and didn't do a thing about it. End of story." Sasha spoke firmly. It was enough for Victoria. For how rarely she used it, she knew that the word friend had an important significance to Sasha. Being on the receiving end of it felt like an incredibly rare and honorable title.

"Alright... fair enough then. I won't worry about it anymore. Thank you for being honest with me. And you know, kind. I trust you'll know what to do with him?" Victoria asked with a curious smile, trying to get a glance at the shrunken man still trapped in the chastity cage Sasha still carelessly held.

"Hmm, I have ideas..." Sasha replied, bringing the shrunken man to eye level, leaving him whimpering in anticipation of the pain to come.

Sasha made a friend?! Yes, against all odds, she finally decided to open herself a bit more to the world after rejecting it all in one block for so long. Their relationship is still young and could have quickly and easily ended like any other Sasha had for the past few years. However, she took it upon herself to finally change her ways - if only slightly.

There's actually a story behind that change. One that'd be good to tell. However, that's for another time.

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this new piece featuring Sasha. She doesn't show up so much these days, but as you can see, it's cause she found better things to do than giving us the time of day :D




We want more of sasha. Also that line "if you can think of it", oh boy the implications of that are boundless.


Ah but the fact she doesn't show herself much is why you love her every time she does :D


Glorious~ I gotta say, I blame you entirely for my newfound chastity kink. Always loved size, but god damn....


Thank you! And enjoy exploring that one - I'm sure it'll be fun :)