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The leather was still warm from Gail's foot. I could feel her residual warmth on my own feet as I stepped cautiously into the  darkness. Warm and damp. I placed my hand on the inner wall of  the shoe to steady myself. I felt the same warmth and dampness there as well.

I squeezed the leather wall as hard as I could and  managed to wring a few drops of sweat onto my hand. Well, drops  for me now. What I used to consider a drop would probably be  bigger than my hand. Disgusted, I wiped the sweat off on the wall and proceeded on. Everything got stronger with each step that I took. The warmth.  The dampness. And especially the smell. Dirt and sweat and dead  skin filled my nostrils and almost made me sick to my stomach. I  now felt little micro-drops of filthy salt water push up with every  step that I took. And the heat was just making everything worse.  

A few steps in I tripped on a seam and landed hard on the  disgusting floor. It knocked the wind out of me and it took several  seconds for me to recover enough to get to my hands and knees.  The entire front of my body was now covered in Gail's stench and  sweat. A little bit got into my mouth and I instinctively swallowed  before thinking about what I was doing. Some animals use scent to mark their dominance. To show  possession. Gail had now marked me with her scent. She hadn't  even needed to trick me into doing it; I'd tricked myself. I smashed my fist into the warm leather below me. I needed  something to vent my anger on. All I managed to do was make my  fist sting and release more of Gail's sweat into the air. I didn't bother getting back on my feet. I just crawled the rest of the way. The only comfort I could take was that Gail couldn't  possibly see this new humiliation that she had forced on me.  Crawling like a dog on all fours. Crawling through her dirty shoe hoping to find a treat.

- Extract from Micromanaged, by Taedis.

It's been a while since I've been wanting to pay tribute to Taedis' outstanding work. Her stories have been some of the best I've ever read and I warmly recommend them to you. I've decided to go with Micromanaged as the story to illustrate because it's the one that's marked me the most. In it, a macho scientist ends up shrunk by his own invention due to his ego getting in the way of double checking his calculations. Unfortunately for him, his assistant/secretary is here to grab him and show him how inferior he is compared to her.

You can purchase Micromanaged here - Micromanaged (e-junkie.com)

Hope you enjoy it! :)



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