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"20.1 kilometers. 72 minutes and 34 seconds. Pace: 4 minutes per kilometer. Well done." the AI's voice coldly announced in Lena's headphones as she closed the door behind her.

"I'd say it's a bit more than just 'well done' lady" Lena replied, a hint of overflowing pride slightly undulating her voice. As the young hero expected, nothing but silence followed the remark.

Exhausted, Lena slowly sat on the stairs to catch her breath. Beads of sweat rolled off her fingers and forehead, crashing down on the wooden floor below. She could feel her heart pounding, sending vibrations throughout her body. Her mouth was dry but the water in the bottle she held was far too hot to be refreshing in any way.

"I need a cold shower..." was all Lena could say under her breath, as the scent of her efforts started to make its way up to her face.

Pushing with her toes on the heel of her opposite shoe, the young woman sent her right trainer flying off her foot until it crashed on its side accompanied by the distinct sound of rubber hitting laminate flooring. 

"Damn, that feels awesome." the young woman sighed as she removed her right sock before repeating the process on the left side. The cold floor felt like ice on her reddened soles and toes. Rapidly, marks of perspiration formed around them, leaving clear traces of exactly where her feet rested.

"Alright, enough..." Lena started, before a slight movement of her right shoe interrupted her. "No bloody way..." she continued, this time whispering to herself, genuinely stunned by what she was witnessing.

It had become quite a regular habit for Lena. Among the countless victims of the dimensional anomaly that Dr. Ziegler managed, a fraction found their way in the covert care of the young British hero, as she regularly helped herself to a few tiny people at a time in HQ's labs. While it was just a fun experiment at first - having her way with people unable to resist her in any way - she had quickly grown fond of feeling them struggle on her body as the slightest movement on her part felt like a life-changing event to them.

Among her stolen playthings, none had it worse that her "workout buddies". While it was already hard enough to survive a normal day trapped in her underwear or shoes, it was near impossible to do so as she went out of her way to move as much and as fast as she could.

Today, Bella had been the unlucky one, randomly and blindly selected by Lena's careless hand. Before she could ask anything or plead her case to the young woman holding her, she had found herself hitting the damp fabric of a running shoe's insole. A joyful "Good luck!" and a wink was all she got before the titanic toes of the giant above her filled her view, and soon after the shoe she was trapped in. The rest, was nothing but a dark, hot and humid blur.

"Bloody hell..." was all Lena could say as she watched the tiny woman crawl out of her right trainer. The puny thing was trembling, hit by the cool air after being surrounded by the extreme heat of Lena's foot for over an hour during her run. Behind her, a trail of the titaness' sweat formed as it trickled down the tiny woman's body onto the laminate flooring. Above, Lena looked surprised - a sentiment that anomaly victims hadn't provided her in a while.

"You actually lived through this. I'm shocked. Normally, you guys don't pass the 5K mark, if you're lucky. You actually held on for 20, at a crazy pace too! Were you some kind of super woman in your dimension? Did I find myself a tiny superhero?" Lena laughed softly, still catching her breath.

"Water... Please... I need water..." the tiny woman managed to say, feeling her throat painfully itching with each word she uttered.

"I bet. Though it looks like you did get your fair share of fluid intake during this run. Not very hydrating though, I imagine. Here take some of this, I feel like you deserve it." Lena replied, unscrewing the bottle of lukewarm water and pouring some in the cap laid on the floor. The tiny woman rushed to it like a distressed animal, amusing the giant towering above her.

Bella didn't care what she looked like at this moment. She didn't care about the judgement held by the overwhelming gaze from the titaness above. Despite the pain in every inch of her body, she managed to get her face inside the cap. The water felt heavy in her mouth, its temperature far from providing her the refreshing feeling she so desperately hoped for. However, it was better than dying of thirst.

"Looks like this was quite an intense workout for you two huh?" Lena spoke as she carefully put the bottle back on the stairs.

"Please... No more... I beg you..." Bella pleaded in between messy sips of the warm water Lena offered her.

"Hmm... I guess that's fair little one. The way you survived in there is impressive, I have to say. I won't put you back in for round 2, I promise." Lena said kindly, still a bit stunned by this woman's resilience.

"Thank you... Thank you so much!" Bella cried, her knees giving up and forcing her to use all the strength left in her arms to look up at the merciful giant's smiling face.

"It's all good little thing. Though don't consider yourself too lucky. It doesn't mean you can be lazy, roaming around my place all day doing nothing. Nope! I think considering how well you tolerate sweat, feet and shoes, I have something perfect for you to do..." Lena giggled, thinking of the many uses she could have for her first tiny docile servant.

Tracer has feet now?! Indeed she does! Thanks to my good friend Appy-Sama, Lena finally has feet that look good enough to be featured in my work. I was excited to test this updated model, so I made this new piece in the Victims of the Anomaly series.

I hope you enjoy it - quite a bit of work went into making it happen :D




I think it's probably an understatement to say this is downright incredible! Both in terms of the sublime render itself, as well as the brilliant story. Legitimately one of the finest GTS pieces I've seen in a long time. Not sure about anyone else, but it'd be amazing to see more from this scenario and what other sweaty situations Lena can inflict upon Bella, or even failing that, just more of tinies suffering at Tracer's feet and scents? Although, it does sound like Bella's in for more insole duty. Sweaty Lena is undisputedly best Lena.


Thanks a lot for your kind words! I really appreciate that :D