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Life had come to a halt in Neo Arcadia. She had arrived faster than they could prepare for. As her silhouette emerged on the horizon, the order to evacuate was given throughout the metropolis - in vain. Two bright and loud flashes was all it took for the titaness to dwarf the city's skyline and take her first steps in the busy streets at her feet. 

After wreaking havoc through a dozen blocks, kicking cars and pedestrians alike, the unstoppable young woman finally stopped. Neo Arcadia's Treasury building would receive the honor of being her throne for the day, as she sat on the roof of one of the city's most renown institutions, not paying any mind to the Treasury employees enjoying their afternoon break there.

As dust rose, all bystanders ran for their lives, hoping to get away from the one they once knew and adored as Tracer. Unfortunately, not all of them would be lucky enough to escape the former hero's clutch.

"Come on little one, hold her tight! You wouldn't want your friend to fall now, would you? It's a long way down and that pavement is awfully hard..." Lena giggled, hitting the ground with her left heel to emphasize her point. Each powerful hit sent shockwaves through the busy street below, bringing some of the bystanders to their knees as they failed to keep their balance.

Justine was trying to run away with her best friend Charlotte when everything around her darkened. Suddenly, she felt an immense pressure around her leg and before she could react, she was already upside down being lifted into the air. In a desperate and futile attempt to save her friend, Charlotte had tried to hold on to her before being pulled too, as if she wasn't even there. Looking around, Justine could see her captor's immense face smiling at her. She could feel pain growing in her arm as Charlotte's weight rested in her hand. As her eyes darted towards the ground so far below, she was taken of vertigo.

"Oh God, oh God, oh God!" Justine screamed as her mind focused on the many dangers around her. "Please just let us go! My hand is slipping, I won't be able to hold for much longer. Please, I beg you, just grab her!" the puny woman continued to scream, hoping to find a sign of mercy on the titaness' face. 

"Please, just call me Lena." replied Tracer, her smile widening. "Don't you guys like the view from up here? Look, you're as high as the helicopters desperately trying to get me out of the city." Lena continued before shifting her attention towards something Justine couldn't see. "Hey you! Making progress on that shoe? It's fine if you can't do it alone. I'll find a replacement who can..." the former hero said, her tone becoming harsher. The poor woman cleaning up the blood off her sole doubled her efforts, making sure her tormentor could feel her work through the thick rubber.

Justine could feel her fingers and palm getting sweatier as she desperately tried to hold on to her best friend. Charlotte was crying, panicked as she looked down towards the pavement covering the street below. 

"Please... I can't... hold much longer..." Justine begged once again as she felt the last bit of her strength escaping her body. 

"Fiiiiiiiiine..." Lena finally replied after a few seconds looking at the pair with a playful expression drawn on her face. "Careful, don't let go now, that'd be a dick move towards your friend!" Lena giggled, making her hand slightly shake and sending waves of pain through Justine's extended leg and arm.

The puny pair crashed on the ground as Tracer opened her grip a few meters too high. With nothing but pain and bruises all over their bodies, they both cried in relief, dwarfed in the titaness' shadow.

"Oh come on guys... It really wasn't that bad!" Lena cooed, looking down at the two frightened women cowering near her left shoe. Without thinking twice, Justine and Charlotte nodded, while slowly trying to get away from the giant's reach. "Before you leave, I think 'Thank Yous' are in order." continued Lena, giggling and bringing the towering tip of her left shoe in front of the tiny women. Justine and Charlotte froze in place, barely escaping the colossal weight of Lena's foot crashing down in front of them. "C'mon, show me how grateful you are for not being puddles right now..." the titaness finally said more sternly, her face looming far above the frightened pair.

Adrenaline bursting through their beaten bodies, the two friends' minds finally let go, not knowing whether to be joyous or miserable. Through their tears, the dirty rubber of their monarch's sneaker almost had no taste...

The great return of colossal Tracer terrorizing tiny people! I know many of you wanted it so here it is!

I hope you enjoyed this piece. As always, your feedback is appreciated. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this scene - thank you :)



Tiny Scribe J

Tracer returns, in glorious fashion. Masterfully done as always, big modes not always my style, but when you do it its wonderful.


Since so many people seem to worship the version of Tracer found in my work, I thought I'd give her a size and pose fitting of her position ;) Thank you very much for your feedback! I appreciate it a lot. Glad you like it :D


Haha! That correcting God with a casual "Just call me Lena" was great^^


Thx for getting me addicted to your OW art again lol