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"Is that it?" the Empress inquired, her delicate fingers rolling the ruby-incrusted golden crown from side to side, her gaze focused on the minuscule artefact. "Perhaps with a bit of resizing I could wear it as a ring." she continued, a slight grin drawing on her lips.

"Please Empress Kathryn, that's all we ha-" the small man standing in the titanesses' shadows started before the loud click of a tongue silenced him.

"You will speak only when spoken to. Were you spoken to?" the woman standing behind the Empress' sit asked firmly. The puny man felt humiliated at the remark. Her tone was condescending and he could tell she was amused by the dire situation he and his people were facing.

"No, Madam. My apologies to the Empress." he replied defeated, bowing at the waist - a gesture that seemed to be, just like every other, unnoticed by the colossal ruler above him.

All around him, Igor was reminded of the crushing and humiliating defeat his nation had suffered. As he stood there, dwarfed by the Empress and her advisors, his court tormented by their probing hands, he couldn't help but regret the choices he made that led him here. The Empire's repeated attacks on his borders had forced his hand, as his closest advisors invoked the old customs forcing his kingdom to fight back. Pride had bested his reason.

Since Kathryn's ascension to power, the Empire had made radical technological progress catapulting her nation in a new era. In comparison, Igor's kingdom remained stuck in the stone age. It took 24h for Empress Kathryn's forces to invade and secure the Kingdom's strategic positions. Now, all Igor could do was praying his gifts would please and inspire mercy from his new ruler.

"Nila, do you have a total?" the Empress asked, finally shifting her attention away from Igor's priceless crown. 

"From the initial scan, King Igor's gift is worth a total of 210 Imperial Credits. Though his crown could represent a greater value due to its history." replied the woman who had scolded Igor a few moments ago. 

"Very well. Thank you, Nila." Empress Kathryn replied with kindness in her voice. "Thank you for your kind present. While it isn't worth much in the Empire, I'm sure it is a great honor you're doing me. Am I to understand you accept my offer?" the Empress continued, now turning her gaze towards the puny king.

Igor looked around him once more. His wife, his brothers and his sisters were all tormented by the overwhelming power of his new lords. Defeated, he finally knelt, renouncing to his title and ownership of his land. "I did, your Excellency. My crown is yours and my people will serve the Empire." the fallen king finally admitted.

"Good..." Empress Kathryn softly whispered. "You may go then. Announce the news to your people. Bring them into the fold. My agents will accompany you and bring change with them. It is time your kind forgets its customs and embrace the Empire's ways. After all, they're responsible for bringing you before me right now and the Empire cannot suffer such weakness." Kathryn said coldly. On his left, Igor heard a painful scream, as the Empress' delicate fingers tightened around his wife's puny body. "Oh, and I think I'll keep her. You won't mind, I'm sure. See her as... a cultural envoy in the capital. A permanent one." the Empress continued, leaving no place for objection.

As he bowed respectfully and turned around, Igor took one last look at his wife, tears of pain rolling down her cheeks, her hand reaching for him, begging for help. There was nothing he could do to save her now. Such was the will of the Empress. Such was the Empire's way.

Another awesome commission done! It's always a blast to work with Kathryn and this piece just confirmed it. What a scene :)

I hope you enjoy it! As always, feedback is appreciated - so keep it coming!



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