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"She does that often?" whispered Kelly, as softly as she could, terrified her question would wake up the young college student sleeping in front of her.

"Sleeping? Yeah every night." replied Jay, sitting on top of the still warm pencil Sasha had nervously fidgeted with throughout the day. 

Unlike Kelly, Jay seemed perfectly calm about their current situation. Kelly didn't know how Jay had arrived here - it wasn't the kind of things that were commonly discussed among Sasha's shrunken people. However, she could tell Jay had been in her Mistress' possession for a long time. She never seemed scared or stressed about anything Sasha would ask of her, as if she had done it a thousands times before. "Perhaps she did..." thought Kelly, watching her friend casually stretching her bruised legs below their Mistress' perfectly manicured nails.

"Don't speak so loudly, you'll wake her up!" Kelly replied in a whispering scream, afraid their Mistress wouldn't see kindly to finding them going about their ways while she slept. 

"Relax, there's no way your voice wakes her up. You're still thinking like a person, aren't you? 'Big Kelly's gonna wake up Mistress Sasha with her big, imposing voice.'" laughed Jay, lowering her voice's tone and spreading her arms to mimic a kid's impression of a giant. "She's not waking up from us talking, no matter how close we are - I guarantee you that." Jay continued, still seeing anxiety all over her friend's face. 

"Perhaps, but you still haven't answered my question." replied Kelly, feeling slightly reassured by Jay's experience.

"It must be exams season again. It's the only time she falls asleep on her desk. Every 6 months, she says that this time 'she got this' and 'she'll be prepared' - but she never does. You haven't noticed it, have you? That moment when she panics because she knows she's late and she starts opening her semester's books and notes." Jay explained, like she knew everything about their Mistress.

"I can't say I did..." replied Kelly, visibly confused by how she could have missed anything related to their Mistress while also permanently living inside her room. 

"Remember Pedro? The very short guy, dick locked for some reason. He was always cleaning Mistress Sasha's sneakers like his life depended on it. Well, I guess it finally did cause she snapped at him for no reason and crushed the poor fucker without missing a beat. In the next 5 minutes, she was opening her laptop and did not leave it till the next morning. Guess Pedro was this semester's punching bag - if you can even call it that..." Jay continued to explain to a slightly paler Kelly.

"But why? It's not like he wasn't doing his job." said Kelly, still confused by her Mistress' actions. To her, Sasha never seemed to be someone whose emotions impacted her actions.

"You're doing it again." said Jay, looking over her shoulder to check on Isa and Kendall apparently having a great time watching whatever YouTube's autoplay had put on tonight. 

"Doing what?" Kelly snapped back, visibly annoyed by her friend's games.

"Thinking like a person, Kelly. You gotta stop doing that, it won't bring you any good here. Let go of it. You told me you came here willingly, so there's really no reason for you to suddenly go against your instincts. If Mistress Sasha felt like crushing Pedro, that's all you need to know. Tell me, did she ever promise you you'd live old with her?" Jay replied calmly, ignoring Kelly's annoyance.

"No... I mean, I don't think she did." Kelly replied, trying to remember every details of her conversations with her Mistress prior the fateful night she finally shrunk.

"Cause she didn't. For those of you lucky enough to be approached by Mistress and offered a choice, you're never promised a long and peaceful life. She's given you a life free of worries from the normal world. She held her part of the bargain, but you also need to let go if you want this to work." continued Jay. Kelly couldn't help but see a certain sadness in her eyes, as if she had that conversation before. "Just obey her and enjoy herself, one day at a time. Let her decide what's good or not." Jay smiled at Kelly. 

"I... I'll try." Kelly replied, seeing the same crushing logic in Jay's argument than in Sasha's.

"Good. It's a weird life we live, but we're lucky she found us." Jay said, her eyes now fixed on the immense visage dwarfing her. Kelly could hear the laughter coming from the two tinies playing with each other near her Mistress' arm. Behind her, Isa seemed to happily show Kendall something on the silent video they were watching.

"Did you ever..." Kelly started, unsure she should continue her thought. "You clearly have been in this situation before. It seems it's not the first time Mistress Sasha tried to pull off an all-nighter. When you sit here, do you ever wonder what goes on in there?" Kelly said, pointing at her Mistress' pink hair.

"Did you hear a word of what I just told you?" Jay replied, slightly unnerved by how it seemed her friend already forgot what she just said.

"I know, I get it. I'm just wondering. Let's call it my last 'Big Person Thought'. What do you think it's like for her? I'm actually surprised she even bothers with studying to be honest. She already knows so much. When she came to me before, I couldn't sleep the following night - she was stuck inside my head. And then, in a snap, she solved all my problems and changed my life. I mean, she's basically a Goddess compared to all of us losers. What do you think someone like her dreams about right now?" Kelly said, her thoughts going even than her tongue.

"She doesn't like that word." said Jay, irritated by Kelly's little essay. 

"Which one? Losers? Cause I swear I heard her say it before..." replied Kelly.

"Goddess. She doesn't like it." said Jay, matter-of-factly. 

"Why? It's not like..." Kelly started before remembering her friend's advice. "Right. Not my place." Kelly finished.

"Good, you're slowly learning. At least I'm not completely wasting my time." Jay replied, a slight giggle escaping her lips. "Alright, enough rambling for tonight. Let's join the others. We might not have another opportunity to watch videos for another 6 months." said Jay as she finally stood from the now cold pencil. As they took their first step together, the pair suddenly stopped right in their tracks. Behind them, Sasha lips' moved and her brows frowned. None of the two shrunken women dared move, afraid to wake their Mistress up. 

"Trish..." an almost imperceptible whisper escaped from Sasha's mouth, now back to being slightly open and displacing large quantities of warm air as she breathed slowly.

The shrunken pair looked at each other, still afraid to move a limb and wake up their Mistress. Kelly was the first to turn towards her friend.

"Who's tha-" Kelly started before being abruptly cut by Jay.

"You're out of 'Big People Thoughts' bug. Leave it. Welcome to tiny life." Jay smiled as she brought her arm around Kelly's shoulder to bring her towards the immense laptop behind them. The pair made their way to the computer and sat on the warm aluminum. The giant screen was displaying what seemed to be a documentary on some animal living in the desert - though without sound, it could have just been any parody. Kelly left her "Big People Thoughts" behind and enjoyed the evening in good company. 

Behind her, Sasha was sleeping soundly. Her gentle breath washed over the shrunken women's naked bodies - hitting them with warmth and leaving them shivering. Tonight, just like any other college student, Sasha was dreaming.

It was time to remind you all that Sasha, as much as she doesn't seem so, is just like any other college student ;)

It was a blast to work on this render as I had to step up my lighting skills to nail it. Still, I think the laptop screen effect is pretty convincing but let me know your thoughts, I'd love to hear what you think of it :)
