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Alex was shivering. He couldn't tell if it was from the cold steel around him, or the dire situation he was facing. His world was reduced to this humiliating cage, and the two towers of flesh overwhelming his senses beyond it. His makeshift prison kept swaying from side to side, following his giant tormentor's delicate waist movements. He had no idea who she was. All he knew, was that he never felt more frightened in his entire life.

It started like a normal Saturday evening. Alex was planning to bring Kelly to her favorite restaurant downtown. They had a fight a few days back and things escalated fast - too fast. Since then, unease had made its way in their home and Alex felt he had to fix it. He had done it before, there was no reason he couldn't do it again. Kelly had come out of the bathroom looking radiant. Summer was coming to an end but the weather outside remained clement. She was wearing her cute denim shorts and that crop top she loved so much. As they left their little apartment, Kelly remained silent, looking around the place like she had never seen it before. Finally, the door closed, and the young couple headed downstairs. 

Alex could remember walking down 3rd Street, his arm around Kelly's hips. The light breeze was refreshing after spending the entire day in their small apartment.. Then... nothing. 

"The alley?" thought Alex as a sudden shift of his captor's weight sent him hit the dirty stainless pillar on his right. He could tell the cage had been worn - not knowing if it had been recent made the thought worse. Alex felt his stomach churn in disgust, his hands leaving the steel for a brief instant before his tormentor's movements forced him to put them back on the filthy metal. He couldn't see much of what was happening around him. The dim-lit room was beautifully furnished, almost luxurious. Like everything else tonight, he had never seen it before.

The alley is where Alex's memories came to a halt. He remembered a scream - no, a gasp. Kelly's. Then, he was here in the cage, puny and feeling like his body had been torn inside out. Everything scared him at this size. However, nothing frightened him more than seeing Kelly standing in front of him, perfectly calm, as the well-manicured hand of their tormentor softly caressed her cheek. Alex could see she was changed too - smaller, but still huge compared to him. She was looking up to that...

"To that...", Alex's thought stopped, as he searched for the right word to describe what the titaness currently holding him prisoner was. He wanted to insult and debase her, but nothing came. Ignored and insignificant, trapped in a dirty chastity cage worn by a woman who could snap him in half with a finger, Alex felt minuscule - terrified to even insult this woman in his panicking mind. That's when he heard her, as if she had chosen this particular moment of self doubt to speak. She wasn't talking to him, however - she was speaking to Kelly.

"What a good girl you've been...", the voice said, soft and calm, almost reassuring. "You've finally let go, little one. Like I told you to, so many times. I'm not one to repeat myself, but it was important that it came from you. Did he hurt you again? Is that why you finally came to me?" the voice continued softly. Alex couldn't believe his ears. Kelly knew this woman. She had told her about them!

"Yes, Mistress Sasha..." the words weakly escaped Kelly's lips, the hot air of her breath washing over Alex's shivering body. 

"Of course he did. Did I warn you he would do it again?" Sasha continued, her tone sharper than before.

"Yes, Mistress Sasha..." Kelly repeated.

"Remember this for the rest of your life, little one. I'm always right, and I will not be as patient in the future. Do you understand?" Sasha's tone left no place for discussion anymore. This was not a suggestion.

"Yes, Mistress Sasha. I will not doubt you again, I'm sorry." Kelly spoke, as swallowed tears ran in the back of her throat.

"Good girl. Now look at me." Sasha said, this time softly. Her delicate index finger raising in the air to come embrace Kelly's lowered chin and lift it up. "Your old life is behind you now. Your worries, your troubles, your aspirations, your dreams, they're all gone - lifted off your shoulders. You can't carry those anymore. People can, not you. Doesn't it feel wonderful, my little pet?" she continued, her voice softening to become an hypnotizing whisper.

"Yes, Mistress Sasha. Thank you Mistress." Kelly tried to articulate as Sasha's powerful finger strongly kept the shrunken woman's jaw in place.

"Now then...." Sasha left the word hang in the air. "Kneel." Sasha finally commanded.

The tone of his tormentor was terrifying. His last hopes of escaping the hell he was trapped in vanished as he realized his girlfriend would not forgive him this time. His head was spinning as he tried to rationalize what was happening to him. Sweet little Kelly could never do that to him - it was all that woman's fault. Again, insults towards Sasha could not go past Alex's lips. In front of him, Kelly kneeled, obeying her Mistress and accentuating the already massive difference in size between the two. He tried to reach out through his prison's dirty bars but Kelly was too far, too big. Her head was at his height now, her beautiful green eyes still looking up at the titaness above.

"Good pet. Now, I want you to look at him. He's the last thing holding you back from embracing your true place little one. Your last connection to your old life. Look at him. Show him how you feel." Sasha said, a slight trace of joy in her tone betraying her own excitement.

Kelly's eyes were focused on Alex. They shined from the tears she was holding back. He could see it now - the pain and misery. Sasha's fingers plunged in Kelly's hair, petting the shrunken woman's head calmly.

"Joy? Happiness? No this is all wrong!" Alex thought. "Kelly loves me! She'd never do that to me, I'm the-" and suddenly nothing. Alex's thought turned to darkness once again. 

The snapping sound echoed through the room, leaving an expression of shock and surprise on little Kelly's face. Alex was gone, vanished in front of her eyes. "Mistress?" Kelly slowly said, trying to understand what her owner had done with her ex-boyfriend.

"Shhh, little one. There's nothing holding you back anymore. Now, are you ready? It's time." Sasha said reassuringly, raising an eyebrow.

This was Sasha's favorite moment. Kelly would offer herself willingly, happy to leave the normal world behind - knowing she could never get back to it. "Yes, Mistress Sasha. I'm ready." Kelly said, taking one last look around. Before she could even finish, she heard another snap and darkness followed.

Sasha enjoyed her little games. Not everyone needed to be shrunk against their will. Sometimes, people needed to be shown the way and pushed in the right direction. For those, she had a special place in her world. For people like Alex however, she had no mercy. Sasha looked down towards the floor. There in between her feet, laid the pet formerly known as Kelly, soundly asleep, as her body recovered from the shrinking. Sasha then caught a glimpse of the cage shining between her legs and smiled.

"I hope you're awake you dirt bag. I hope you didn't fall through that piss hole. I don't make people disappear but trust me, no one will ever find you now. Now, tough guy, I need to bring that cage back to its owner. I'm sure he misses it dearly. The two of you will be great friends..." Sasha said, apparently talking to no one. Alex heard, however, as he woke up in a cold desert of steel.

Since you all seem to love Sasha very much (she says you're weirdos btw ;)), here's more of her! From time to time, she likes to enact some justice in the world - her way, of course. 

I hope you'll enjoy this piece! If so, as always, please let me know as it's always motivating to hear it. This render is an homage to many size creators who inspired me through the years and made me push myself to create better art. People like ResizeArt, Taedis, SorenZer0, Caddy or even GFsm all have their little respective part in making this artwork exist today. I can't encourage you enough to go check out their work in you haven't done so yet!

Thank you again for your continued support, I appreciate it dearly! :)




Well now I’m hooked!! Another sensational render!!