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Name. Employer. Data Requested. That's all Nya needs to begin her hunt.

If you ever have the misfortune of having your name displayed on Nya's optics, you'll have one chance to make resolve the situation as quickly and painlessly as can be. Do not miss her call, be polite when you answer, and tell her what she wants to know without hesitation. Do this, and your only worry will be to find an alibi to feed your corporate hierarchy in order to justify your treason.

Fail to obey however, and you'll quickly realize the grave mistake you've committed. Now, Nya will be after you and nothing will stop her until her contract is fulfilled.

You will never know she succeeded until it's too late. Nya's client will have the information they seek and she will have everything she needs to ruin your entire life at the push of a button - whether she pushes it or not, will only depend on the entertainment your broken copy has provided her.

Do not disappoint her.

With this new render, we're taking a look at Nya from a different angle - her public reputation. Hiring her has come to be known as a silver bullet - costly, but highly effective. Through her time as a merc, she's never failed a single contract and made her specialty to extract even the most confidential data out of people. Surely her equipment allowing her to create shrunken copies of her targets had nothing to do with her success... ;)

I hope you like this new piece! Make sure to zoom in to find Nya's latest victim - if she hasn't talked yet, she will soon. Her arms and legs will inevitably grow tired and falling from this height wouldn't be recommended at her size :)

As always, your feedback is welcomed!




I'm guessing you'd tell us where the tiny is, but your lips are sealed huh?


You’re not looking close enough - if you really don’t find it I’ll give you a tip ;)