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Cheap entertainment. That's all this pathetic fight was for Nya. A way to pass time as she waited for her client to show up. She knew, however, that for these two, it was a near death-experience - one that would scar them for the rest of their lives, if it wasn't for the fact neither would live long enough to see the next hour.

Through the optical zoom in her left eye, she could see the tears running along little Lily's cheeks. "Poor little one..." Nya thought to herself, "if only you knew how good you have it here with me. I could have deleted your scans so long ago, but you wouldn't want me to if you knew." she continued as she grabbed what felt like the thousandth cigarette today. 

As the flame escaped her lighter, its light dancing on her face, Nya saw the pictures flash in her mind once again. At this point, the details were blurry, but the Secret Hunter didn't need to remember them. No one did. Lily's blood covered every wall of the club she had worked in just a day prior - even now the image was painful to remember.

Nya always wondered if the young socialite had come back for her. Perhaps if she hadn't left in the middle of the night, the young brunette wouldn't have been there when the DeMarcos Gang hit the place. Lily's copy never told Nya what she felt for her the night they met. If she'd ever feel sympathy for the titaness, it had been forever erased by the rage she felt upon discovering her cruel fate.

"Better tiny than dead." Nya thought, once again trying to convince herself that what she had put Lily through was better than the void. Her holodeck vibrated, bringing her reverie to an abrupt end. The client was here.

"Nya, Lily, let's make it quick, I have business to attend." Nya finally said coldly, blowing the smoke from her cigarette over the blood-covered shrunken women. Two quick, almost inaudible snaps resonated through the room. Nya crushed her cigarette butt in the dirty ashtray - she had a job to do.

A little follow up on my last piece - Copy - offering you a different view from the fight and a bit more info on the twisted relationship between Nya and Lily. On that note, I hope you enjoy Cyberpunk tomorrow for those of you who'll play it. Making these renders sure made me ready to dig in :D

As always, your feedback is appreciated! :)



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