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  • GameplayPresentation.mp4



(If the video is not loading try direct link here, I'm fighting with the player to work on patreon.🙏 or checkout the file attached.)

The development of the update is coming along nicely, so I've decided to share a bit of gameplay preview for the update. Mainly to showcase the current progress of the mechanics.

The game features an inventory which will be filled with items and potions, then the player can use them on someone else, or themselves! Mixing and experimenting with the ingredients will be another part of gameplay to brew those potions. All of that while interacting with the rest of the laboratory~!

What I've got so far is about what I have planned to cover most of the technical stuff for the milestone. Now I'll be moving to populating the content, improving the level art, textures and looks of characters and more attributes to modify (genitals included)! 

I'm also in the process of dressing the characters up, it's about time they put their lab coats on!😳

As always, thank you for your continued support 💖 I'm very excited of things to come!






Looking goood :3