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Comic format poll

  • Vertical 134
  • Horisontal 50
  • 2023-09-06
  • 184 votes
{'title': 'Comic format poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Vertical', 'votes': 134}, {'text': 'Horisontal', 'votes': 50}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 9, 6, 10, 18, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 184}


Sorry for a ton of polls but this is important! ^^

Next month I'm planning a new big comic project, I need to decide on a comic orientation type! Which looks/reads better to you?

The classic vertical (book) orientation I tried in my latest comic -

Or my regular horisontal (album) page orientation -



No worries. I love polls. Being able to choose democratically is nice.


I feel that more panels can ben shown vertically, so I guess if you have more to show go vertical, and horizontal if there's less background details or text.


a tuff question. but I vote horizontal because I always use a pc monitor and not a smartphone.


I have to vote horizontal to go against the modern trend of designing everything for phones


Vertical is more about reading and printing I think. Horizontal is more about looking at the pictures


I think you could have either format printed if you ever wanted to print your comics.


Yes but book format is probably more handy for printed comics

Jim D

You can use both. The best part of digital is that you don't need to stick with one or the other. Portrait is best for storytelling. Switch over to Landscape when you need to do a giant scene. Just like a two page layout , or centerfold, in a book. Some seem to believe that Portrait is for phones. It's not. The vertical that works best for phones is Webtoon. The entire comic is usually only one panel wide and the story completely flows down. Does anyone know if this format has an official name?


I can go with whichever since I’m 99% of the time on phone or tablet. I wound up picking vertical (cause traditional I guess), but you can consider my vote as ether or.

Perfesser Bear

I have a new 24"/600mm monitor. Whatever works for you!


Each has its uses.


Definitely a hard decision, because they both look great! I'd vote for vertical more than not because of the classic feel, but I think it really depends. The vertical I'd say is probably better for longer for stories while horizontal might be better for short stories.


Can at least try the new format to see if it works for you better! Don't be afraid to experiment!


I use any form of Media on a 1440p or 3840p wide screen so vertikal content in general makes not much sense for me.