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I will also reply the messages asap!

This summer was both exhausting and stressful, I guess I have also overworked myself trying to bring the best quality while my art partner couldn’t draw and help me at all. As much as I love Autumn, this time it brought me diseases instead of joy, first days of September I felt so sleepy that I couldn’t even keep my pen in my hand! Then my sciatic nerve got inflamed (that pain is beyond descriptions), and now, as a cherry on top, I caught severe flu in addition to the leg pain and that’s annoying :/ I think I’m unable to function a few more days, gotta simply sleep!

UPD: got a PCR test, it was COVID, not flu. Oh well

However, I’m still planning to finish the September Archive before the end of the month, I asked my friends for some help with that! ^^ But in case it’s not finished, I will simply turn the Patreon billing off - you don’t have to pay this month, and the completed September artwork will be added to the next archive instead!

I’m so sorry it’s the second time this year I have to make such posts >< I simply felt I should explain my disappearance! No worries, I’m going to rest a bit, then I’ll be back!

Stay healthy and cheers!




Nothing but love and support!


Your health comes first and foremost. Totally understandable! Get well soon!