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I managed to change some roubles and get a cheap bus ticket to Georgia for today (22 hrs to go).

I really hope that I’ll be able to cross the border. My cat’s documents are already outdated because I was stuck for so many days here and I’m not sure I’ll pass :( But let’s hope for the best! Maybe I’ll get some understanding at the border…

Also I’m really touched that so many people were eager to support me! ;_; It’s more than important for me now!


Chris T

Take care Iskra! We're here for you!


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Glad to know you're ok! Please be safe ❤️


Safe travels and best of luck! 🤞


it is reassuring to know that you are on a better path Iskra. keep us informed of your progress and safer👍


Best of luck to you Iskra. We are here if you need us.


Thank goodness you're ok, stay safe and best of luck on the journey!


Be all right Iskra. Be safe. If you need some cash just say. Im sure I still have some... Heh. I will buy more art from you.


Just send us a link or something if you need monetary support, be safe!


I hope everything goes smoothly. Don't hesitate to ask if you need support of any kind.


Stay safe! If there is anything I can help with let me know!

Diesel Benson

Hopefully the person you get has a heart and understands that when you left and planned on getting to your destination everything was in order, but because of circumstances the documents expired due to no fault of your own.


Hope you'll be able to sit down soon and breathe a sigh of relief. I just moved under the best of conditions and I can only imagine how much more stressful it is for you.


Best of luck to you. I hope to offer more support as you settle down


Im glad you are traveling again to your destination! I wish you the best and please, just let us know if you need anything. As someone mentioned before, Western Union should still work to make money transfers


Hello, I support you, i wish you good luck and I'm crossing my fingers that everything goes well for you

Baron Blackfox

Really wish I could do something but.. Please keep us updated, so that if something happens, somebody here with knowledge could help and advise.


VERY glad to hear from you! Im happy you were able to find transport. Stay safe.


I don't even want to imagine the exchange rate. I hope your kitty isn't freaking out too badly. I know mine would be shitting himself. I probably would be, too.

Zane Mitzuki

I am so relieved that you made it! I wish you the best of luck on your journey! And always let us know if you need help!

Fenris wolf

Please be safe and let me know if I can help. I hope ur kitty is safe to


Be safe Iskra! Don't hesitate to let us know how to help further


I'm glad to see that you've found a way. I hope for the best for you and your kitty. Please let us know if we can help.


Wishing your the best, Iskra! please stay safe ; _ ;