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Lin says "What's wrong, Ash? Why are you crying?!"

"I don't know! I am really happy, but I just can't seem to stop crying! I love you too, Lin!"

Lin says "Okay, okay. Take a deep breath and calm down. I love you, so there is no reason to cry like this!"

"Why didn't you say that last night? You had me thinking that I had misunderstood everything!"

Lin says "I meant to, but you dropping a bomb in the middle of our argument threw me for a loop and made me all muddle headed."

"So, it was all my fault?"

Lin says "Of course it was! Ugh, why do you have to be so dense!? I fell in love with you weeks ago! But I couldn't say anything for fear that you would panic and run away!"

"Fair enough. You are probably right. I am really not good at dealing with my emotions. I'm sorry."

Lin says "No, you are not, but at least you can admit to it. Don't worry, I will help you work on that. However, I want a promise from you. From now on, no matter what you think, I want you to promise to talk things out without running away."

"You seem awfully serious about this, but alright, I promise."

Lin says "Yes, I am. That is because you are too powerful. If you run away, I would have no chance of catching you or tracking you down. Probably only the goddesses could track you down and it is unlikely they would take my side over yours."

"I guess that is true. Although, all you would have to do to get them on your side is convince them that what I am doing is harmful to me."

Lin says "Maybe, but I still think they would ask you if you are ready to be found before they would tell me."

"You might be right, but I can't really do anything about how they feel about me."

Lin says "It doesn't matter now. You made the promise and I know how seriously you take your promises. From now on I won't even need to worry about you running away from me."

"Good. That also means you won't be grabbing my poor ear like that again, right?"

Lin says "Yes. I'm sorry if I hurt you, but I couldn't let you run away without explaining."

"Yes, it did hurt, but I can't really blame you. After all, I was trying to run away."

Lin gently pulls my head down lower and then she kisses her way along my ear. After that she starts covering my face in kisses, until I lick her face in an attempt to kiss her back. As she is laughing and trying to wipe her face off, I shapeshift into human form.

Her reaction to being licked is entertaining, but I much prefer being able to kiss her properly. Which I promptly do as soon as I am done shapeshifting into human form. The kiss quickly turns serious and shortly we are lying on a pile of our clothes on the hillside.

By the time we are done we are both exhausted, but I am pretty sure all the stress is gone for both of us. By then the sun is setting so we quickly dress and gate back to the ship. We just barely manage to make it back in time to have dinner with the kids.

Due to all the physical activity and the fact that I skipped breakfast and lunch, I am starving. I end up eating five full servings and then I quickly fall asleep at the table. Luckily, Lin takes care of the kids and she lets me nap until the kids are put to bed.

Once the kids are settled, Lin wakes me up so that I can open the soulscape. I open the soulscape, make the castle, and then invite everyone from the normal group. Myria walks over as soon as she appears to report about Kechara and Asuna.

The didn't cause any disasters, but that is because Yui wouldn't let them leave the tower. They have been told they can't leave until they have mastered moving and human mannerisms. That makes me feel a lot better about the two of them, another worry I can put to rest.

As soon as she is done telling me about it, Lin drags her off to the side for a chat. Kechara and Asuna come over and ask me to create the mall again so they can check it out in human form. Once I have created it they run off to play and surprisingly Brightfire joins them.

The rest of the kids are happily playing inside the castle and don't even notice the mall this time. After a few minutes Myria goes running towards the mall with a huge smile on her face. Right before she enters the mall, Myria stops and winks at me, then walks inside.

"Lin, what was that about?"

Lin says "She is just excited to put on another show for you."

"You told her?"

Lin says "Sure did and I was right, she was overjoyed. So, you have permission to spy on me and her, but no one else."

"You know that permission takes most of the fun out of it. You didn't tell Brightfire, did you?"

Lin says "Of course not. Myria also agreed not to tell her. Fun or not, you should spy on Myria, if you don't she will be upset."

"You do know that it is really weird for you to encourage me to spy on another woman?"

Lin says "When we reach the peninsula you will be doing a lot more than looking. It is a good chance for both of us to start getting used to the idea."

"That's true. Although, I have to say that hearing reluctance in your voice does make me happy."

Lin says "Of course I am reluctant! What woman would want to share the man she loves? However, I have come to terms with it and take solace in the fact that I am the first. Anyway, didn't you promise to show me these 'Harem Anime' you mentioned?"

"Oh yeah, alright."

I quickly create a comfy love seat and a big screen for the anime, then we cuddle up. Once the anime is playing, I only put half of my attention on it, the rest is on Myria. Of course, it is only for the sake of not upsetting her, nothing more than that.

I do my best to keep most of my attention on the anime, but it is not easy. Myria, knowing she is being watched, is being very creative while pretending she isn't being watched. She isn't a very good actor, but she is still putting on a very distracting show for me.

Lin says "I can feel you getting excited, is Myria doing something interesting?"

"Um, sorry. I really can't help how my body is reacting."

Lin says "I'm not mad. After all, I told you to watch her. I am just curious. Can you make it so that I can watch too?"


Lin says "Oh, wow. Are you blushing because of what she just did or because I am watching with you?"


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