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Looks like I am busted, now I am going to have to explain myself I guess. So I start making my way back towards the main table and my seat. but not before grabbing some more food. I make sure to finish eating it before I make it back to the main table and resume my seat.

Mercy says "Was our food not to your liking?"

"Mercy, I could have eaten everything served to this table and still been hungry. Beastmen need more food than humans and I need more than normal beastmen. Although, if you want better food for your palace, send your chef to Illium for training."

Alexa says "Sorry, Mercy, but Ash is right, even I am still hungry."

Zamart says "Mercy, you can't treat everyone like nobles, nobles could be fed a bowl of air and would proclaim it the best thing they have ever tasted."

"Oh, wasn't that the third course?"

Mercy says "No! That was soup!"

"You could have fooled me!"

Mericel says "Alright, Ash, stop teasing my sister!"

"Why? It's so much fun!"

Zamart says "Ash, please stop teasing my queen. I am the one who has to deal with her after you leave."

Mercy says "What is that supposed to mean, Zamart?"

Alexa says "Your Majesty, is it alright if my sister and I excuse ourselves?"

Mercy says "Yes, you may."

Mericel says "Can I go too? I'm still hungry!"

Mercy says "Fine, everyone is dismissed."

A minute later Mercy says "Looks like you were right, everyone went straight for the food."

"That's because everyone was told it was a feast not a state dinner. If we had known it was a state dinner everyone would have eaten beforehand."

Mercy says "Is that what the nobles do?"

"Yes, a state dinner isn't about feeding everyone. It is about the host showing off their power and wealth with extravagant food."

Mercy says "Maybe I am not cut out to be the queen."

"Relax, don't be so hard on yourself. These little things don't matter, you can learn them easily enough. You've already done the hardest part."

Mercy says "What's that?"

"Finding people you can trust. People who won't be afraid to tell you when you are doing something wrong."

Mercy says "I guess that's true. How do you know so much about being a ruler?"

"From my old world. We had many rulers who were very good examples of what not to do."

Mercy says "Oh, sounds pretty bad."

"It was horrible. I am very glad I got summoned here."

Mercy says "So, what do you plan to do now?"

"Actually, I was thinking of taking a nap before going shadow demon hunting again."

Mercy says "Has the food made you sleepy?"

"No, it has just been a few days since I slept."

Mercy says "What? Why?"

"I normally go days without sleep. I could keep going, it's just better if I get a little sleep once in a while. No need to take the chance of making a mistake just because I am tired."

Mercy says "Whenever you say something wise like that, I always find myself wondering, who are you and what have you done with Ash?"

"Ha ha!"

Mercy says "No, I'm serious! The rest of the time you are crazy, so these random gems of wisdom are so confusing!"

"Because, I am not an idiot. I just choose to be reckless at times. I always have a plan even if it doesn't make sense to others."

Mercy says "If you say so."

"Anyway, I wanted to talk to you about Mericel."

Mercy says "What about her?"

"You should have someone start training her to fight."

Mercy says "Why? She is safe now."

"She spent quite a while as a ghost, where almost nothing could harm her. If she isn't taught discipline now then she will be extremely reckless."

Mercy says "I will think about it. Enjoy your nap."

With that Mercy gets up and goes to wander around as well, while I go back into the tent. Once I curl up in the nest of pillows I am asleep almost instantly. I sleep for maybe two hours before someone entering the test wakes me up.

Alannis says "Oh, sorry to wake you!"

"No problem, what did you need?"

Alannis says "I wanted to talk to you about the future."

"You want to stay and serve Mercy with your sister?"

Alannis says "Yes, exactly! If that is okay? You did save my life so if you want me to stay with you I will."

"No, it is fine. I have been expecting this since we found your sister alive and well."

Alannis says "Thank you for understanding!"

Alannis has left the party!

"By the way, I haven't seen Leyla around anywhere. Is she alright?"

Alannis says "Oh, yeah, she is mostly alright. She got tired of all the soldiers staring at her. So she is with your beastmen, acting as their healer."

"Alright, I will check on her later."

Alannis says "Okay, see you around, Lord Ash!"

When Alannis leaves instead of going back to sleep I get up and check the time. Since night has fallen I figure I may as well go back to hunting demons. The feast is still going on, although it is a lot quieter than it was earlier.

A few people cheer when they see me take off and fly away from the camp. As soon as I pass the edge of the forest I start looking for a group of shadow demons. Seeing a group of six I swoop down and attack as usual, which goes fine for the first four.

When I kill the forth shadow demon the naginata suddenly starts vibrating and giving off light. Not sure what is going on I kill the last two shadow demons with my claws. Then I fly back up and move to hover above the forest where I should be safe.

6 Rank 1 Shadow Demons defeated! 6,000 Exp gained!

Once I am there I take a better look at the naginata and try to figure out what is going on. When I take a close look at it I can see some small differences, like the blade looking more fancy. In fact the entire thing looks more developed, there is more decoration than there was before.


*Lesser Artifact*

Holy Lance!

Damage: 50 - 75 (Double to undead, Triple to demons)

Strength +50, Agility +30, Endurance +20

Durability: Infinite

Special: Absorbs power from slain demons. (Currently absorbed: 0 Ranks.)

'Woah! It changed a lot! I didn't know artifacts could grow?'

"Seronia, can artifacts become stronger?"

Seronia says "No, not unless they are reforged by a stronger divine being. Why?"

"Um, oops?"

Seronia says "What do you mean oops? Ash, what have you done now?"



Sweet growing artifact!