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The first sign that I am getting close to the camp is the smell of food cooking on the wind. As I reach the camp and start descending I spot Mercy and Mericel outside of a large tent that wasn't there when I left. Since I wanted to talk to Mericel anyway I land near them and set Naomi on her feet.

Mercy says "Ash, who is this?"

"Someone I rescued, I was hoping Mericel would be willing to take her on as a personal maid. Her name is Naomi. Naomi, these are Princesses Mercy and Mericel."

As soon as I introduce them Naomi drops to her knees with her head down. Both Mercy and Mericel seem confused by this so I explain the situation I found Naomi in. As soon as she understands what has happened Mericel comes forward and lifts Naomi to her feet.

Naomi is shocked by this and horrified when she realizes Mericel got her dress dirty. However, Mericel ignores her protests and takes Naomi away with her. I am guessing that Mericel is taking her somewhere to get better clothes and explain things to Naomi.

Mercy says "That was a very kind thing you did."

"This will give Naomi a life she could have never hoped for and helping her will also help Mericel."

Mercy says "True, she is having problems adjusting to being alive again."

"It hasn't even been a day, just give her some time."

Mercy says "You're right, I just worry too much! Here, this tent is for you. You have just enough time to get changed before the feast starts."

"I thought it should have already started?"

Mercy says "That's because I told you an earlier time to make sure you got back in time."

After giving her a dirty look I do as I am told and head into the tent to get changed. As I enter I notice there is no bed, just a huge pile of pillows and blankets. They probably couldn't find a bed my size on such short notice, but it is still a nice thought.

Since it has been a few days since I actually slept I am tempted to lay down and take a nap. However, that would make me late for the feast and Mercy would probably get mad at me. So instead I remove my armor and change into one of the sets of clothes that I got from the tower.

Once I am changed I walk back out of the tent only to see Mercy waiting for me. When she sees me her mouth drops open, her eyes widen, and her cheeks turn red. While this would be the perfect opportunity to tease her I decide to let it slide.

Looking around while Mercy regains her senses I can see that preparations for the feast are almost done. There is a large table with a line of chairs standing alone, probably for us and the commanders. Then there are a bunch of tables set in a U shape but they don't have chairs.

My guess is they will be loaded with food buffet style, after all it would be impossible to seat the entire army. All around the tables there are campfires already going, probably for the soldiers to huddle around. After all, it is winter now and we are further north so it is fairly cold, especially at night.

"Oh, Mercy, I hope you don't plan to ask me to make a speech. I am not good at talking in front of a crowd."

Mercy says "You do realize that being a leader is all about speeches, right?"

"When I am king I will have someone to do the speeches for me. Besides, the beastmen are a lot simpler, I can motivate them with just a roar."

Mercy says "That's just cheating!"

Mericel says "What is Ash cheating on now?"

Mercy says "He refuses to give a speech!"

Mericel says "I don't blame him, I've always hated having to stand up in front of a crowd."


Mercy says "You two are impossible!"

"You are just jealous!"

Mericel says "Yeah, she probably is. She has no choice but to deal with all this."

"True, whereas we can just run away from it!"

Mercy says "Don't you dare!"

"Alright, I won't run away, but no speeches! Agreed?"

Mercy says "Fine, agreed."

Then she storms away to finish getting ready, meanwhile Mericel can finally laugh out loud. Her face is almost purple from trying to hold it in, she didn't want her sister to kill her. When the call to be seated comes I find out that I am in the center seat, with Mercy and Mericel on either side of me.

Unfortunately, the chair they found for me, while probably the biggest they could find, is too small. As soon as I sit down I am uncomfortable and pretty sure that when I stand up the chair is coming with me. I don't say anything though, I don't want Mercy thinking I am ungrateful or trying to find an excuse to leave.

Once we are seated the other commanders are allowed to join us at the table. This includes Zamart, Alexa, and Alannis, other than them the only one I recognize is Rickon. When all the seats are filled I notice the beastman captain is not included, in fact I don't see any beastmen in the crowd.

"Mercy, why aren't any of my beastmen here?"

Mercy says "They volunteered to stand guard around the capital during the feast."

"Alright, but shouldn't their captain at least be here?"

Mericel says "He politely declined the invitation. Even though this feast is supposed to be in your honor."

"Hm, I will find him and ask about it later."

Mercy says "Don't worry. There has been no discrimination against your people. Just the opposite in fact."

"That's good to hear."

After we finish talking Mercy stands up to give a speech before the feast starts. Luckily, she keeps it short and sweet, while she is talking Zamart is doing something so that everyone can hear her. I have to admit that Mercy is good at public speaking, if she wasn't destined to rule here I would hire her to do my speeches.

Once she is done speaking and sits down the food starts coming out. As I thought, the other tables are being set up like a buffet, with entire roasted animals. Then servants come forward to give us our first course and I am immediately disappointed.

The reason is that the chef is apparently trying to serve us like they would a gathering of nobles. It is all small portions and made to look extra fancy, but it doesn't fill me at all. The entire meal that we are served barely qualifies as a snack to me.

Maybe I have been spoiled, between the inn and the tower I have had extremely delicious food in good quantities. While what we are being served is decent tasting, the amount of food is horrible. I don't even think a child would be full at the end of the meal and the massive amount of food on the other tables just makes it worse.

"Mercy, I am going to go walk around and chat with the soldiers."

Mercy says "Okay, but don't you want to wait until after dessert?"

"No, no I don't."

Not wanting to explain, I pry myself out of my chair and walk around the table. As I pass the other table I grab myself a roasted boar's leg and eat it as I wander around. As I wander, I stop at each campfire and chat with the soldiers, just making small talk.

When I finish the boar leg I swing by the table and grab another large portion before continuing. After my fifth visit to the tables I am finally starting to feel like I have had a real meal. The entire time I have felt eyes on me and anytime I glance at the main table I see Mercy watching me.



Spoiled lion.


Cats got to eat lol