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"Does that mean you are going to stop shouting at me for getting in trouble?"

Myria says "Not a chance!"


Sarah arrives with our breakfast and as usual she joins us, although it is a bit odd only having three of us. Sarah makes a few snide comments about last night making Myria blush, but she doesn't get to me. In an attempt to distract her Myria mentions that I am leaving today.

Sarah says "So soon? You just barely got back!"

"I have been gone from the north for a long time now. I need to check on my people and I still have some promises to keep. Once everything is settled I will be back for a longer stay."

Myria says "How long do you think you'll be gone this time?"

"Not sure. I don't want to state a time and end up in trouble if it takes longer."

Sarah says "Any specific orders for while you are gone?"

"Not that I can think of. Oh, wait, what happened with the mason?"

Sarah says "Oh, right. He is ready to meet you."

"Then can you fetch him?"

Sarah says "Sure. Give me a few minutes."

Myria says "When she comes back you need to thank her for everything she has done for you."

"I know. I keep meaning to, but something always comes up."

Sarah says "Lord Ash, this is Mason."


Mason says "So, you are the one who cut me off?"

As I turn to look at him I instantly notice how his hands are shaking and how bloodshot his eyes are. Standing up I walk over to him and use my healing spells on him. As soon as they hit him the shaking stops and he is able to stand up straight.

Mason says "I feel better! How?"

"A simple healing spell."

Sarah says "I didn't think healing would work on drunkenness?"

"It won't, but withdrawals are a different story. Now Mason, Sarah has told me of your situation. What I need to know is do you want to build something or go back to drinking yourself to death?"

Mason says "I want to build! But it is illegal for me to do so in this city!"

"Do you have any problems working with beastmen?"

Mason says "What? No."

"Then how would you like to build an entire city for them? During the process you would need to teach them. Do you know anything about quarrying?"

Mason says "An entire city? I would love to! What's my budget? No, I don't have any problems teaching, and yes I know some about quarrying."

"Your budget is unlimited."

Sarah coughs and says "Wait, unlimited?! Shouldn't it be limited to the five million we have?"

"Why? The mage guild still owes us another twenty million. Besides, I have more artifacts I can sell if need be. Oh, before I forget, Myria, here is the gear for your girls."

Myria says "Thank you!"

Mason says "Are you really serious about this? I can build an entire city, however I want?"

"Well, keep in mind you are making it for beastmen, but other than that, yes. Oh, it will need walls and defenses, that isn't a problem I hope?"

Mason says "No! No problem at all!"

"Good, come with me. Oh, Sarah, thank you for everything! I appreciate all your hard work even if I forget to say it!"

Sarah says "You're welcome!"

"By the way, both of you should swing by Amarah's shop."

Leaving them both looking puzzled I take Mason and head over to Pol's shop. Mason looks surprised at all the activity, I guess he hasn't been outside in a while. Several times I have to stop and talk to people, but we make it to Pol's shop in decent time.

Pol says "Welcome, Lord!"

Grud says "Welcome, My King!"

"Grud, I am not king yet. This is Mason, he will be traveling with you. Grud, he is going to help your people learn how to quarry better."

Grud says "Excellent! Nice to meet you!"

"Pol, along the way help him find beastmen who want to learn to build."

Pol says "Yes, Lord!"

"He will also be in charge of picking the location for the city. The city's design and construction are all in his hands. Do everything you can to help him."

Pol says "Yes, Lord!"

Mason says "You were really serious!"

"Of course. Also, Pol, here are some elven weapons and armor for you to use. You can trade them, or even give them away. We have plenty of money right now so building goodwill or helping out is more important than profits."

Pol says "Understood!"

"Annya, you are probably the most familiar with the people. If I arranged for human mercenaries to train them, would people be interested?"

Annya says "Yes! Absolutely! There are many outcasts who wanted to be warriors but weren't allowed. Just giving them the chance to try, even if they fail, will earn you their undying loyalty!"

"Alright, I will talk to Borrik. Can any of you think of anything else we can do right now?"

Mason says "To move stone, especially enough for a city, will require heavy carts and preferably roads for them to follow."

Pol says "I've already placed an order for the carts. There aren't really any roads in the beast lands."

"Couldn't the gravel created by mining and quarrying be used for a road?"

Grud says "Gravel we have in abundance!"

Mason says "Yeah, that would work."

"Okay, Pol, add that to the list. It should be easy enough to pay some work crews from each village."

Pol says "I'll take care of it."

"Anything else?"

Grud says "The bison clan, like mine, is a smaller clan, but they revere strength. I am fairly sure you could get them to join you just by showing strength beyond their imaginations."

"That I can do, but it will have to wait until my return from the north."

Grud says "With your permission I will set things up. They will be very useful in transporting heavy loads and building the city."

"Okay, you can do that, but I am not sure how long I will be in the north."

With no other suggestions forthcoming I take my leave of them and head to talk to Borrik. Arranging for some veteran mercs to go play drill sergeant is really easy. A few minutes later I walk into the adventurer guild and ask to speak with Ambrose, and as I am let in I make sure to flare my wings.

Ambrose says "Wait, is that a pattern on your cloak or real wings?!"

"They are real."

Ambrose says "How did I not notice them before?!"

"I didn't want to draw attention to them."

Ambrose says "Well, it worked! So, what can I do for you?"

"I am curious about the stretch of open ground between the back of the inn and the city wall."

Ambrose says "The killing ground?"

"Yeah, I understand the reason for it and why nothing can be built there. I was wondering if I could fence off a section of it to give Lizzy some more room to move around."

Ambrose says "Considering the walls have never been breached, I don't see why not."


As Ambrose watches I pull out the little writing desk I stole from the elven city and pen a note to Sarah. As I am doing so I see Ambrose cast a couple of spells aimed at the writing materials.

Ambrose says "You wouldn't want to sell that to me, would you?"


Ambrose says "You have no idea how much paper and ink I go through as the head of the council."

"This is actually the first time I've used it, but sure you can have it."

Ambrose says "Great! How much?"

"Just have this note delivered to Sarah."

Ambrose says "What? That's it?"

"Yeah, consider it a gift."

Ambrose says "Thank you!"

"You're welcome. I'll see you when I get back from the north."

Ambrose says "Safe journey!"



Ok onward to kill the king, the shadow demon and, and all the royal court. I can just imagine Ash trotting down the road as he head north to slay the King and all his advisors. Time to die your Majesty. lol


Yes another massacre!