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So I end my meditation and get up to move to a more open space in the room. Then I carefully build the image in my mind of a lion, paying special attention to the insides. After all, I don't want to shapeshift and only then remember that I need lungs.

Once I have the image fixed in my mind I gather my sacred power and spread it throughout my body. Just as I am about to release it, the image in my head changes on its own. Where I had pictured a normal lion the image changes to a black lion, but I figure it is the system doing it.

So I leave it as it is and release the power, then the change begins. It is painful, as if someone is breaking all my bones and reshaping them. In fact the entire process is pure agony, but I bear with it until the change is complete.


Congratulations! You have gained the ability: Shifter!


SP Cost: 500

Forms: Black Lion

Duration: Until canceled.

When the spell completes I find myself standing on all fours in the middle of the room. Judging from how small things look I would say I am five to six feet at the shoulder. That means I am massive as a lion, higher in mass than my normal body by probably half again or more.

None of my equipment is visible, which is a relief, it means the spell worked properly. My equipment shifted with me, so when I shift back I won't be naked. It also means I won't destroy any of my stuff when I shift, which I should have thought of before I tried it.

It all worked out and now I have the ability just as I was hoping. It is a bit on the expensive side and there is no level to it so that won't change. With my current power I can use it four times at most, but there is no limit on duration so it is worth it.

All it takes is a thought and I am back to my normal self with all my gear exactly how I left it. All in all, I am quite pleased with how it has turned out, now I just need to add more forms. So I slowly build the image of a black wolf in my mind and then activate the ability.

The shift this time is smooth and almost painless, much better compared to before I got the ability. The wolf form I assume isn't much smaller than the lion, not what I was aiming for. It makes me wonder if all my forms are going to be this big, guess I will find out.

Form added: Black Wolf!

Still this form feels faster than the lion, that is more of a powerhouse. However, I would like something smaller in case I need to sneak around at some point. So I cancel the shift and start building another image in my mind, something small and fast.

Form added: Black Bunny!

This time it works and I am much smaller, about the size of a pitbull. I am about to shift back when an idea comes to me, immediately I know it is a bad idea, but it sounds fun. So I go sneaking into the bedroom where Myria is sound asleep.

She doesn't wake up when I jump on the bed, she doesn't react until I put my cold, wet nose on the back of her neck. Then she instantly rolls away from me and opens her eyes. She stares at me for a few seconds then jumps out of the bed with a shriek.

What I was not expecting is the fact that she was sleeping completely naked. We stare at each other for a few seconds before I come to my senses. Then I bolt out of the room as fast as I can, as soon as I am out I shift back and sit down at the table.

Closing my eyes, I quickly enter into my meditation and pretend I have been there the whole time. Opening a window I watch as Myria comes out of the bedroom wrapped in a sheet. She looks all around the room, even bending over to look under the table.

Myria says "Ash? Ash, wake up!"

"What's wrong?"

Myria says "Where did it go?"

"Where did what go?"

Myria says "The huge black bunny that came out of the bedroom?"

"The what?!"

Myria says "You didn't see it? How could you miss it? It was this big!"

What Myria forgot is that she was holding up the sheet, so when she spreads her arms the sheet drops. It takes her a second to realize it, and then her face turns bright red and she grabs for the sheet. I put my hand over my eyes until she has covered herself with the sheet again.

"Are you sure it wasn't a dream?"

Myria says "Yes! I'm sure!"

At that point I can't hold it in anymore and just start laughing. Of course she thinks I am laughing at her so she gives me a dirty look. Just to see the look on her face, I shift back to the black bunny as she watches.

Myria screams "YOU!!!"

She immediately grabs a chair and throws it at me and when I dodge she grabs another. In the process of throwing chairs she again loses the sheet, but she either doesn't notice or doesn't care. So, between dodging chairs I am quite enjoying the view, until a voice stops her.

Sarah says "Just what the hell is going on in here?"

Myria freezes with a chair held up and ready to throw, she looks guilty. I realize that the table is between us so that Sarah can't actually see me. So I jump up onto the table where I am in plain view, and watch Sarah's eyes widen as she spots me.

Sarah says "How did that thing get in here?"

Myria says "Don't be fooled! That is Ash!"

Sarah laughs and says "If I had realized this was a lover's spat I would have stayed in bed!"

It is at that point that Myria pays attention to the situation, her standing there naked throwing chairs at me. She turns bright red and dashes back into the bedroom, while Sarah winks at me. Myria comes back out a minute later having hastily dressed.

Myria says "It is not a lover's spat! This idiot played a trick on me!"

Sarah looks around and says "It must have been one hell of a trick!"

Blushing even harder, Myria explains everything to Sarah, causing Sarah to chuckle. Seeing as the fun is over I release the shapeshift and return to my normal form. When Sarah sees me fully dressed she seems a little disappointed, she probably wanted ammo for teasing.

Sarah says "Are you done making trouble for the night?"


Sarah says "Well, if not then keep it in the bedroom, I need my sleep!"

Sarah laughs as she heads back downstairs, but when I look at Myria she is blushing so hard the insides of her ears are red. Deciding I have teased her enough I don't say anything and after a minute she goes back into the bedroom. Banishing the image of her naked takes me a few minutes and then I return to meditating.

Then I spend what is left of the night recovering my sacred power and practicing in the soulscape. Now that I have the shifter ability my next task will be to gain the forms of all the major tribes. Hopefully, being able to assume those forms will help reduce the amount of bloodshed needed.

Myria says "Good morning!"

"Morning, are you still mad at me?"

Myria says "Nope, I've moved on to plotting my revenge!"

"Well, it's going to have to wait, after breakfast I'll be leaving for the kingdom."

Myria says "Oh, I know. Revenge should never be rushed!"

"It seems I am just going to be permanently in trouble, huh?"

Myria says "Yep!"



Hahaha that was so funny. Lol


Oh wow Ash keep it up and you will be fighting not only the demons but the girls in your harlem at the same time.