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There is no grand light show or anything, simply a glowing mark appears on each of them. After a few seconds the mark disappears leaving no sign that anything has changed. The only difference from before is that Core looks a little tired.

"Core, are you alright?"

Core says "I am fine, it just took more energy than expected."

"So, it is done then?"

Core says "I think so, but you will have to test it to be sure."

"Okay, we will test it and let you know. If it works, can you mark more people or is there a limit?"

Core says "I can't mark too many at once because of the energy required. But other than that, no, there is no limit."

"Okay, good!"

Core says "What are you planning now, Ash?"

"Well, for my friends who can level, the driders provide a good source of experience. So I plan to let those who can, come down here to kill driders."

Core says "So, the purpose of the marks is so they can hunt without you or Kechara?"

"Exactly. This way we can slowly wear down the drider's numbers and it benefits us at the same time."

Core says "Alright, I can agree to that."

"Yui will be in control of the teleporter, so talk to her if you want to control the number coming down. Or if you need anything for that matter."

Core says "Do you plan to let everyone come down here?"

"No, only those loyal to me personally."

Core says "Then it shouldn't be a problem, and I will enjoy the company."

"Okay! Do you want to keep Kechara here?"

Core says "No, she won't concentrate while you are here. So you may as well take her with you."

With that settled we leave the room and stop at the top of the stairs. I let Myria, Isabella, and Nived have a few minutes to stare out at the city, since it is their first time here. Then we continue down the stairs with them stopping to look again at each new area.

It is hard for them not to stare down at the thousands of driders packing the square. Especially when we get closer to the bottom and they can be seen clearly. Once we reach the bottom I stop and allow them a few minutes to study the driders.

Nived says "Why can't we see the barrier that is holding them back?"

"Once you are on the other side it will appear as a black wall, but from this side it is clear."

Myria says "I don't think I brought enough arrows for this!"

"We aren't trying to kill all of them at once. This is mainly so you can see how they fight."

Nived says "So, what do we need to know? Any weak points?"

"The weakest spot I have found is where the upper and lower bodies connect. As to how they fight, think of an ant swarm."

Isabella says "Should I summon my summons?"

"Yes, and come to think of it, so should I."

'Summon Bones!'

When Bones appears and looks around he grins at what he sees. He immediately gets ready to fight then looks at me impatiently for the order. He is going to have to wait though, I need to explain a few things before we start.

"Everyone remember, do not attack through the barrier. If you do you can weaken the barrier, and trust me you do not want to see what will happen if the barrier falls."

Myria says "They would swarm us, right?"

"Not only that, if the barrier weakens enough they can get out of the mountain."

Isabella says "We certainly don't want that!"

"True. Now I will go through first and clear a space, that's when you move through. After clearing a space I am going to act mostly as a healer and only jump in if you need help. You all need to work together, that includes you Bones."

Bones says "Yes, master!"

"Isabella, do your summons receive a penalty if they die?"

Isabella says "Yes, they lose some experience and I can't summon them again for twenty-four hours."

"Okay, if they get really low on health, dismiss them. Myria, once we go through I want you to try and come back. That will tell us if the mark works, if it doesn't you will all need to be touching either me or Kechara to pass through."

Myria says "Understood!"

"Okay, everyone ready?"

Once everyone has confirmed they are ready I spread my wings and fly up. Once I am above the driders I fly through the barrier and go out about fifty feet before I use Holy Light. Once everything in range has turned to ash I drop to the ground and motion everyone to come through.

Myria says "The mark works!"

That is a relief, the retreat was the only part of this that had me worried. Now I can sit back and watch how everyone fights and works together. Nived starts things off with a spell as the driders rush in to fill the empty space.

Then I notice Kechara stop and concentrate, then a tornado appears amidst the driders. From the way it rips them apart I am guessing that the tornado is made up of wind blades. That is definitely new, and gruesome, especially since parts of driders and undead start raining down.

Myria is taking the time to aim and every arrow she fires is a kill. Isabella, like me, is hanging back and controlling her summons and casting spells on them. Asuna is darting around killing those that get past the summons and Bones.

Kechara, once her tornado fades, is charging into groups and decimating them. Each one of them is fighting well, individually, but they are not working together very well. Other than healing a summon now and then I am just observing, mainly to see if anyone will step up as leader.

Myria yells "I'm out of arrows!"

Curious, I move over next to her and try creating an arrow with mage knight blade. After all, an arrow does have a blade on the end, and it does work. So I hand one to Myria to see if she can shoot it, which she can.

Myria says "Great! Can you make more?"

So I try again, this time I make twenty arrows at once and drop them in her quiver. Myria goes back to shooting and as I look around I realize Isabella had to dismiss a summon while I was occupied. The situation is getting worse, they are being forced back by the weight of numbers.

Surprisingly, it is Isabella who notices what is going on and starts shouting orders. By following her orders everyone starts fighting together and manages a fighting retreat. The driders still manage to surround us and cut us off from the barrier, but we are only twenty feet away.

Thanks to my aura, minor wounds heal in seconds and the summons are constantly healing. Even with that I still have to use my healing spell quite a bit during the fight. I am careful not to use up all my divine power, keeping just enough in reserve to use holy light one last time.

However, I don't use it as soon as we are surrounded, I want to see what the others will do first. Isabella has Kechara and Asuna use their breath weapons to clear a path to the barrier. With that everyone is able to retreat to the barrier and pass through it.



Nice. Kill them all!


Nice the team work is great at the end it sounds like but I wish they had learned to start declaring orders or commands sooner then they would have made the battle last longer. It's just good they learned to do it quickly as the battle started to make them grow to a hindrance. Thank God for Ash being wise to save them with his holy light.