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Borrik says "Wings?! I'll be damned!!"

Both Myria and I enjoy a good laugh at his reaction, it makes me sorry I didn't think to reveal them last night. Seeing everyone's reactions all at once would have been even funnier. However, it is too late now, I will just have to settle for surprising them one by one.

Borrik says "How did you get wings? Where did they come from? Are you still a beastman? Wait, can you fly?!"

"The wings were a reward from the goddesses. Yes, I am still a beastman and yes, I can fly."

Myria says "What's it like? Flying?"

"If we have time, later, I will show you."

Borrik says "You can fly while carrying someone?"

"Yes, but not smelly old men!"

Myria and Borrik both laugh, but it is obvious Borrik is a little disappointed. With our business done we chat a little longer before Myria and I take our leave. Next we head over to Pol's shop and as soon as we enter Myria grabs Annya and leaves the room.

Pol says "Welcome, Lord."

"Hello, Pol. Do you have the men I asked for?"

Pol says "Yes, Lord."

"Could you get them for me?"

Pol says "Of course, Lord."

Pol leaves and then returns about five minutes later with ten beastmen. Four of them are wolves, two are tigers, two are bears, one is an ape, and the last is a female fox. As the only female of the group I am surprised to see that she is in charge, the males all defer to her.

Pol says "Lord, this is Kitara."

As soon as I look towards her she drops to her knees and the others follow her lead. Despite her act of subservience I sense no give in her at all, her and her men seem rock solid. So I motion for them to get up and sit at the table, then I start telling them of the coming demon war.

After that I tell them about the tower and everything that it contains. I don't go into too many details but I want them to understand just how important the tower is. Then I tell them all about Yui, and the fact that they will be following her orders.

"Do you have any problem with that?"

Kitara says "No, Lord! We will do anything you command!"

"I don't want you to just follow orders, I want you to understand how important this is."

Kitara says "We understand that the demons could be the end of our race. If the tower has weapons to help in the war then of course it is important."

"It is not just the weapons, the knowledge contained in the tower is even more important. The tower also contains a way to possibly give the beastmen magic."

Kitara says "If that is the case then guarding it is truly important."

"Its location is its main protection. You will be inside the tower just in case any of the guests cause problems. No matter what their rank may be, you only obey Yui. Understood?"

Kitara says "Understood, My Lord!"

Once I am sure they understand the gravity of the situation I have them all swear an oath. Then once Myria rejoins us we head back to the inn and use the teleporter to go to the tower. Using the teleporter is almost as bad as using a portal and several of them end up puking.

Yui says "Welcome back, Ash."

"Hello, Yui. As promised I have brought guards for the tower."

Yui says "Thank you, Ash. I take it that things went well in Illium?"

"Yes, so far so good. How are you getting along with Ruby and Isabella?"

Yui says "They are both nice, I like them. They tell interesting stories!"

"I am pretty sure I don't want to know. Has anyone else come yet?"

Yui says "Roddick and Belliza are here, although they haven't left the library."

"That is no surprise, did they at least introduce themselves?"

Yui says "Yes, I know they are the first and second in command of the mage guild. That is why I allowed them into the library."

"Okay. Where are Ruby and Isabella?"

Yui says "Isabella is also in the library. Ruby has entered the first mage test."

"I guess that shouldn't be a surprise."

Now that I know where everyone is I begin the tour for Myria and the beastmen. We barely make it to the main hall before I get tackled by Asuna, which amuses everyone. When I finally get her to let me up so I can continue the tour she stays glued to my side.

Myria says "It looks like she missed you!"

"Yeah, I've missed her too!"

The beastmen are obviously impressed by the tower, but they make sure to memorize the layout. Once they are settled in their new barracks I take Myria and Asuna with me to the library. After exchanging greetings with Roddick and Belliza, I introduce Myria to Nived.

Nived says "Pleased to meet you!"

Myria says "Hello!"

"There are ten beastmen down on the main floor, make sure to introduce yourself later."

Nived says "Sure! Are they all women too?"

"No, only one is, the rest are men."

Nived says "Oh, good! I was worried I was going to be surrounded by nothing but women!"

Myria says "And that would be a bad thing?"

Nived says "Yes! It is hard enough to concentrate on my studies as it is!"

"I take it you mean Isabella and Ruby?"

Nived says "Isabella, yes. Ruby on the other hand makes me miss my fire immunity! She is scary!"

"Normally she isn't so bad, she is just in a bad mood right now."

Nived says "Why? What did you do?"

Myria laughs and says "Well, he obviously knows you!"

"That's enough of that! I am taking Myria down to meet Core, do you want to come along? Isabella?"

Isabella says "Okay."

Nived just nods and follows along still chuckling, I also invite Roddick and Belliza but they don't want to leave. I hope whoever is the number three in the guild is capable of handling things for a while. Those two don't look like they plan to leave until they have read everything.

So the five of us head to the teleporter and go through, I don't even get a chance to get my bearings. My head is still spinning from teleporting when I get buried under a Kechara. Of course Asuna joins in and the two of them keep me pinned for a good five minutes.

While I am being attacked the others introduce themselves to Core, who seems happy to have guests. I finally manage to get free by tickling the two of them until they get off of me. Once I can stand and straighten out my clothes and wings I walk over to join the others.

Core says "Hello, Ash. It is good to see you again."

"Good to see you too, Core. I take it you have met everyone?"

Core says "Yes, we introduced ourselves while you were busy."

Myria says "You mean while he was getting a bath!"

Nived says "Oh, that is a regular occurrence when the kids are around. Once they are familiar with you, you will get a bath too."

Myria says "I will look forward to it, I just hope they are more gentle with me than Ash."

Core says "They are normally more gentle, they are just excited to see him."

Isabella says "That is a relief!"

"So, Core, I have a question."

Core says "What is it?"

"Can you mark people or something so that they can pass through the barrier like Kechara and I do?"

Core says "I have never tried, but I think I should be able to."

"Then, can you try it out on everyone here?"

Core says "Okay."



Oh goodie the rest of the party is going to get to go fight now cool!!!!!