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Not wanting to be rude I stop and talk to them, which is why it takes me an hour to make my way down the street. When I walk into the shop Pol is using now it is packed with people running around. Yet when they notice me every single person stops and bows to me.

A single question gets me directions to the upper room where Pol is, Annya is with him when I enter. As I walk into the room I spot a third person, I missed him at first because he is really short. He is dwarf short but he has the head and face of a badger, so he must be a beastman.

Pol and Annya both bow to me but the badger comes around the table and kneels in front of me. As he moves I can tell he is heavily muscled, he is probably stronger than a human. My senses tell me there is a decent amount of power packing into his small figure.

Pol says "Lord Ash, this is Grud. He is the chieftain of the badger tribe."

"Pleased to meet you! Please, stand up."

Grud says "Greetings to our future king! My tribe and I submit to your authority!"

"Well, this is a surprise! How do you even know about me?"

Grud says "My shaman told me that our salvation was about to be revealed. The next day Pol and his wagons arrived and told us about you."

"Salvation? What do you need to be saved from?"

Annya says "It's okay, you can tell him."

Grud says "We are diggers, we live by finding ore underground and trading it to the outcasts. The larger clans will show up when they need trading goods and take what we have. We can do nothing to stop them."

"I do not currently have the power to stop them either."

Grud says "Word is spreading about you quickly. Soon, just saying we are under your protection will be enough to deter most of the clans."

Annya says "He's right. If they are under your protection then the clans have to send someone to challenge you before messing with them."

"If they do, and I win the challenges, my name will spread faster."

Annya says "Absolutely!"

"Alright, Grud, I accept your loyalty and offer my protection!"

Of course it isn't quite that simple, but Annya guides me through the proper ritual. Once the ritual is done Grud is all smiles, he couldn't be happier. His tribe might be a minor tribe, but I have my first tribe without shedding any blood.

"Grud, you said your people are diggers, do any of them know how to quarry stone?"

Grud says "A few. We don't build above ground much, but when we do it is from stone."

Pol says "Boss, do you have a need for stone?"

"Well, that brings us to why I came by today. I want to build a city for the outcasts to live in. I was putting it off due to lack of funds but now I can afford to start the process."

Annya says "A city? Seriously?! That will cost millions!!"

"Yeah, I'm aware it will be expensive. Which reminds me, Pol, how did your mission go?"

Pol says "It went great! Not only is every village we visited willing to trade exclusively with us, but most are ready to swear loyalty to you."

"What? They have never even met me!"

Annya says "No, but they have already heard stories about you. What we had to tell them only helped confirm what they already thought."

Pol says "They want to belong, they have been completely on their own since they became outcasts. The simple fact that you pay attention to them is a huge factor."

"Alright, let's move onto stage two. Take over the entire trade with the beastmen, cut the humans out completely. How many warriors have joined us from those up north?"

Pol says "Around a thousand."

"Good. Each village that swears loyalty should be protected. Garrison twenty warriors or so in each village. Also I need ten warriors that are absolutely loyal for a secret mission."

Pol says "Understood!"

"Oh, also send some warriors back with Grud. Just in case some of the clans want to doubt his word."

Grud says "Thank you! Thank you, Lord Ash!!"

"You're welcome. Now relax, you don't have to be so formal now that you have joined us."

Grud says "We will start quarrying stone as soon as I return, but we aren't equipped to transport the stone."

Pol says "Don't worry. I will handle the transportation."

Annya says "Where is the city going to be built?"

"I haven't found the exact location yet, but I want it to be within a few days' travel of Illium. Two days by wagon on a good road would be about perfect."

Pol says "Do you want me to send people to start looking for a site?"

"Hold off for now. I have yet to talk to the mason I plan to put in charge. Once I do, I will probably send him, with escorts, to find the location."

Pol says "Understood!"

Annya says "What should I do?"

"Continue helping Pol for now, eventually I will need him for other things. You may end up running the trading firm or being in charge of the new city. So learn everything you can about the people in the villages."

Annya says "Alright."

Pol says "Anything else you need, boss?"

"Not at the moment, but there is something I want both of you to think about. See if you can come up with any ideas as to how I can take over the tribes with limited bloodshed. Also think of how we can break the clans and reforge them into a nation."

Pol says "Both are tall orders but I will put some thought into it."

Annya says "I actually might know a way for you to take over the clans without bloodshed, but you aren't going to like it."

"Oh, what's your idea?"

Annya says "Promise not to get mad at me?"

"Yes, I promise."

Annya says "Of the major clans there are five that are cat type. If the five of them become loyal to you the other clans would take it seriously."

"Because no single clan could match the five clans, right?"

Annya says "Exactly."

"Alright, but how do I get those five clans to follow me without bloodshed?"

Annya says "Marriage."


Annya says "Remember, you promised!"

"Sorry, you caught me off guard. What do you mean by marriage?"

Annya says "If you marry a female of rank from each of the five tribes you can get them to join you without fighting."

"You want me to have five wives?! Are you insane?!"



That would be crazy. Five wife's is impossible. I can barely survive one))


That won't work not if one clan finds out about the marriage of another clan. Especially after he gets married then another clan finds out it might start a fight or war between the two clan's let alone five.


Lol I know I am separated from my wife and we're looking at a divorce. How is Ash supposed to handle five wives when he can't even handle the girls/women that he has now? Hell you think it's tough now Ash you get married to anyone other than Ruby she'll kill ya. You might be stronger than she is but she might be smart enough to attempt to kill his you in your sleep or worse poison you. If there's a will there's a way.


I guess the clans don't mind if the king has many wives.