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Sarah says "What could you have possibly sold them that would be worth this kind of money?"

Isabella says "Maybe he sold them the teleporter?"

"No, I didn't sell them the teleporter! I sold them a few things I picked up in the elven city."

Sarah says "Oh, I guess that's alright."

Isabella says "I was not expecting that. I figured you did something stupidly dangerous to get the money."

Myria says "That's what I thought too."

Sarah says "Yeah, that's what I was expecting."

"Why would you assume I did something stupid?"

Ruby says "Previous experience."

To that I can't really say anything, not that arguing would get me anywhere. At least I got them to talk to me for a minute, that gives me some hope. As I eat my lunch I think of all the things I wanted to plan but didn't because money was an issue.

"Sarah, was there a mason or architect among the crafters from our world?"

Sarah says "Yes, but he won't be of any use to you."

"Why is that?"

Sarah says "Because he is still level one and he is a drunk."

"What's his name and story?"

Sarah says "His name is Mason."

"Mason the mason? Ha ha!"

Sarah says "Yeah, and that's only part of his problem."

"So, what's the rest?"

Sarah says "The mason guild wanted nothing to do with him and there is a law in Illium that only the mason guild can work in the city."

"So, he wasn't able to do any work and that's why he is still level one. Was he already a drunk before that?"

Sarah says "No. He only started drinking after."

"What did he do on earth?"

Sarah says "He was an architect and always dreamed of building things from scratch."

"That's why he chose to be a mason and why not being able to hit him so hard. Okay, I want to talk to him please."

Sarah says "Alright, I will try to get him to come talk to you."

"If he doesn't want to, cut off his supply."

Sarah says "Isn't that kind of harsh?"

"He is going to have to sober up if he is going to build a city for me."

Sarah says "A city?!"

Isabella says "What are you planning now, Ash?"

"I want to build a city for the outcasts, but couldn't before due to lack of funds. Now that I have the funds I am thinking about it again."

Myria says "An outcast city, that would be awesome! No way could slavers attack a city!"

"That is part of the reason."

Ruby asks "What's the rest?"

"Well, for one it would be a base of operations for Pol's trading company. Two, it would force the clans to trade more fairly with the outcasts."

Myria says "How would it force the clans to treat us better?"

"Trading with a small village is a lot different than trading with a city with its own standing army."

Sarah says "Where are the outcasts going to get a standing army?"

"It is already being trained by Mercy and her rebels."

Myria says "The beastmen you saved from the mines!"


Isabella says "Are they going to be willing to help the outcasts?"

Myria says "The instant they were taken as slaves they became outcasts themselves. No matter what tribe or status they had before."

Sarah says "That is pretty harsh."

"Yeah, and just one of the many things I want to change."

Myria says "Does that mean you are ready to talk about your plans for the beastmen?"

"We can talk about it, but I don't have everything figured out yet. Besides, I thought you hated my plans?"

Ruby says "Only your plans for fighting."

Sarah says "Yeah, your plans for Illium, so far, have worked out great."

"Well, first stage is the city and unifying the outcasts. Maybe some of the smaller tribes as well. Once that is set up I plan to start convincing the clans to join me. After the first few join me the rest should become easier."

Myria says "Why do you think that?"

"Because, I expect the first few tribes to make me fight a champion or some other test of strength. When I show my strength, word will spread."

Isabella says "Aren't you being a little overconfident?"

"Not really. When it comes right down to it my strength is on par with an entire clan. No individual beastman is going to be a threat and the one thing the beastmen respect most is strength."

Myria says "That is true. Strength is all that matters to the warriors, if you prove yourself stronger they will obey you."

Ruby says "That is why all the beastmen knelt to you just from a roar."

"Exactly. I may even be able to do something similar with the clans."

Myria says "So, what about after you become the beast king and all the clans have knelt to you?"

"Those plans are still in the works. I have to figure out how to forge the clans into a nation."

Myria says "Do you plan to force the tribes to convert to worship of the goddesses?"

"No. They will be welcome to, but I will not force anyone."

Isabella says "Are the goddesses even going to want the beastmen converted?"

"Yes, I've already talked to them about it."

Sarah says "You are really on top of things. So, why can't you put this much thought into your combat plans?"

"Normally, it is due to lack of time."

Ruby says "Only because you don't take the time!"

Myria says "Yeah, I've seen you not take any time to plan and just rush in."

"I only rush in when I know I can handle it, or there isn't enough information to plan with."

Ruby says "Diving into a river after a monster just to get a knife?"

"Hey! I really liked that knife! Besides, I survived!"

Ruby says "Barely!"

"Surviving is surviving! Anyway, now that I've finished eating I should go meet with Pol and see how his mission is going."

Ruby says "Sure, run away like you always do!"

Ignoring Ruby I leave and head downstairs, running away exactly as she said. However, I know that sometimes running away is the smartest choice. There is no point in fighting a battle you have no chance of winning.

Besides, I really do need to talk to Pol and get him moving on to the next stages of the plan. However, when I walk into what is supposed to be his shop I find it empty. Walking back outside I ask one of the guards and get told that Pol moved to the next street over.

It turns out that he needed more space, and being closer to the main road makes things easier. When I head over to the next street I find out that this is where the villagers from the kingdom are living. When they spot me they all rush over wanting to thank me, it quickly turns into quite the crowd.



Oh wow Ash the crowd starter