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"No, not just yet. We need to rest before that. Also did you say training rooms?"

Yui says "Correct. The fourth floor is devoted to training rooms. As a VIP guest you have access to use them."

"Are they just normal rooms for practicing spells?"

Yui says "Negative. There are rooms for melee users as well. Also all training rooms have a time dilation rate of two to one."

"Meaning two hours in the room is only one hour outside?!"

Yui says "Correct."

"Why would a mage tower have rooms for training melee types?"

Yui says "The tower used to have knights who also used magic. Unfortunately, they died out fighting against the demons."

"Mage Knights? Seriously? Does the information for training them still exist?"

Yui says "Yes, the books containing their training are in the library."

"The library that I have access to?"

Yui says "Yes, the library occupies floors two and three."

"I will definitely want to take a look at those while I am here. I'm sure there are a lot of books in the library I want to read. I don't suppose the library has time dilation as well?"

Yui says "Negative. However, the library has reading rooms that have the same two to one time dilation."

"Awesome! That is going to help out a lot! I assume all the books in the library are written in the language of the empire?"

Yui says "Most of them are. There are some written in older dialects or the languages of other empires on the main continent."

"Are there any books written in unknown language or runes?"

Yui says "Negative. Not in the lower library."

"Ugh, so they are in the higher libraries? The ones that just got sealed away?"

Yui says "Affirmative."

'Oh well, I wouldn't have been allowed up there anyway.'

Hearing a rumble I look behind me, it seems like it was Kechara's stomach. Only then do I realize I have been talking to Yui for a couple of hours. She just has so much information that I want and can make use of, it's hard for me to stop asking questions.

"Yui, can we see our rooms and is there a kitchen I can use to make food?"

Yui says "I can guide you to your rooms and provide dinner."

"There is still food here? How? Also, is there meat?"

Yui says "Affirmative. The tower produces a vast assortment of foods through magic."

"Alright, I guess we can give it a try."

Yui says "Please follow the sprite to your room."

Looking around I can't understand what she means until I see a small summoning circle light up. It is there and gone too fast for me to see any details, but once it is gone there is a small ball of light floating there. It is a light green in color and I am not sure how but I can feel a strong lifeforce coming from it.

The little light dances around as if it is happy and then I hear a tiny voice ask us to follow it. Following the sprite we are led to the door of a room still on the first floor and the tiny voice says this is our room before disappearing. Opening the door my mouth drops open in shock, this isn't a normal room.

In fact it is a suite of rooms, enough for a dozen people, and the room is so lavish it makes my eyes hurt. This absolutely looks like a room for a king or emperor, everything is decorated with gold and gems. It seriously looks like you could buy a kingdom with the amount of money spent on this room.

"Yui, what is this? This is way too fancy for us!"

Yui says "As there are currently no other VIP guests you have been assigned to the best guest room we have. Please make yourselves comfortable, dinner will arrive in a few minutes."

Walking into the first room it looks like a throne room, there is even a small throne. There are another dozen rooms leading off from this one, there is even a dining room that could easily seat twenty people. I have never in my life seen anything this lavish, even in my last life nothing compares to this.

As I am staring around in shock the door behind me opens and a bunch of serving trays start floating in. The smells coming from them as they pass me and enter the dining room immediately set me to drooling. Without even thinking about it I start walking towards the dining room, following the delicious smell.

On the dining room table a feast is already laid out, and the chairs have been moved. One side of the table has been cleared of chairs, probably for Kechara. The other side has a normal chair and then something like a high chair for Asuna, the only other chair is at the head of the table.

Since it is larger and fancier I'm guessing that chair is for me, but with the food waiting I don't care too much. Not bothering with manners I sit down and start eating, and instantly my taste buds are in heaven. As we are all eating I notice even Bones is eating, when I look I see he has a plate of bones in front of him.

It seems this feast is even catering to everyone's individual needs, all the dishes near Asuna are nothing but meat. We have only been eating for a few minutes when suddenly all the trays float away and new ones float in to take their places. Even with our appetites we hadn't eaten even half of the food before it was switched out for a new course.

Although the waste of food kind of disturbs me it doesn't stop me from digging into the new food. This time instead of an assortment of meat it is various types of fish. I try to sample every type of fish and all the side dishes but I don't quite make it before it is taken away and replaced again.

In the end it turns out to be a full seven course feast, something I never expected to experience in my life. By the time the deserts are floated away I can't eat another bite, in fact I'm not sure if I can even move. I feel like I just ate four full thanksgiving dinners, in fact I feel like I am about to burst.

Out of the others, Bones is the only one not in a similar condition, in fact Asuna is already fast asleep. As for Kechara, she ate so much I can actually see her belly bulging, it almost looks like she is pregnant. She also looks like she is about to fall asleep, but I quickly tell her to wake up since I can't move her to a bed.

As if waiting for that signal several colorful sprites appear to lead each of us to our rooms. Instead of waking Asuna the pillow she is sleeping on gently floats up and leaves the dining room. As Bones and Kechara are led away I slowly stand up and follow the last sprite.


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