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Yui says "No, this is the Great Tower! The temple is below the tower."

"You mean this massive tower was built on top of the temple?"

Yui says "No, the tower was not built here, but it was placed on top of the temple."

"Placed? You mean someone moved the tower here? How?!"

Yui says "The tower was originally built some three thousand years ago on the main continent. After holding off a demon siege for ten years the archmage council made the decision to move it. This coincided with the retreat of the empire's forces."

"So somehow they brought the tower with them when they retreated across the land bridge?"

Yui says "That is correct. The tower can be shrunk to allow it to be moved but this requires the power of at least three archmages."

"I thought that I read that none of the archmages survived to reach the peninsula?"

Yui says "That is correct. Two archmages fell in delaying the demon's pursuit. The other four gave their lives to create the barrier to block the demons from crossing the land bridge. The tower was passed to one of the archmage's disciples to carry. He later became the first archmage of the new empire."

"So he was the one who placed the tower here? But why? This is hardly a convenient place for it."

Yui says "Yes he placed the tower here, but that was after the discovery of the temple. The tower was placed here partially to protect and study the temple. The other main reason was in anticipation of the demons attacking the tower again."

"True, this would be a very hard location to attack."

Yui says "Correct. In addition the archmage was convinced that this mountain held other secrets besides the temple."

'He was certainly right about that! But I don't think I should tell her about the city just yet.'

"Speaking of the temple, am I allowed access to it?"

Yui says "Negative. Only advanced rank or higher mages are allowed to access and study the temple."

"Currently, none of those exist. Isn't there a way I can gain access?"

Yui says "The only way you could gain access would be to take the test to become an advanced mage."

"What would the test consist of? Maybe I can manage it."

Yui says "The test consists of mana level and purity, spell knowledge, casting speed, and the mage duel test."

"Nope, nevermind. I can't possibly fake all of that. Isn't there any other way to gain access?"

Yui says "Negative. Only an archmage could allow special access."

"But there are no archmages. Wait, what if the inheritance protocol activates? Would there be a way then?"

Yui says "Under the inheritance protocol all previous restrictions would be lifted. The tower will go into a sleep state until a worthy person is selected to become the next archmage."

"In sleep mode would you also be put to sleep?"

Yui says "Negative. In sleep mode everything above the fifth floor is sealed. I would remain active to maintain the tower and test supplicants to find an inheritor."

"What is above the fifth floor?"

Yui says "Above the fifth floor are the areas restricted to advanced and above mages. This includes the higher libraries, personal rooms of the mages, and the laboratories of the mages."

"How many floors are there in the tower?"

Yui says "One below ground, one hundred above ground."

"So ninety-five floors are only for advanced mages and above?"

Yui says "Correct. To be specific, up to floor fifty is restricted to advanced mages. Above floor fifty is reserved to archmages."

'Well, as interesting as all that would be, I doubt there is anything I could even use. Putting the tower into sleep mode seems to be the only way I can get to the temple.'

"Returning to the original point, I do have another possession of the last archmage that could prove his demise."

Reaching into my pouch I take out the diary of Archmage Phillip Deburin and hold it up in the air. Once again the beam comes down to scan it but very quickly the diary lifts out of my hand. As it hovers in the air the book opens and pages start turning as the beam scans each one.

Yui says "Confirming the death of Archmage Phillip Deburin! Confirmed! No living archmages detected! Confirmed! Initiating inheritance protocol!"

Suddenly I can hear the echoes of things slamming from far above us and the unbelievable amount of mana in the air lessens. This must be the upper floors sealing themselves as part of the sleep mode. While I would have loved to be able to explore, reaching the temple is far more important.

Yui says "Sleep mode active! Supplicant title revoked! You are now listed as a guest of the tower! Due to previous assistance you are promoted to a VIP guest!"

"So, what does being a VIP guest mean?"

Yui says "A VIP guest is allowed to stay in the tower for an unlimited amount of time. You also are given upgraded accommodations."

"What about these guys with me?"

The beam of light quickly scans over Kechara, Asuna, and Bones.

Yui says "The beasts are registered as your companions and the undead is registered as your summon. They are granted the same privileges as you, but you are responsible for any damage they cause."

"That's fine then. So what do I have access to now?"

Yui says "You can access the guest area, the library, and the training rooms."

"What about the temple?"

Yui says "Access granted! Would you like to go to the temple now?"


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