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Someone will have nightmares tonight..! ^ Ó ~ Ò ^

Why is Catra so scary? I imagined her to be just "graphic"!! XD XD XD (Now I want to draw more thing like this! XP)

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In Italian "regret" it's "rimorso" (we can literally translate it as "bite again"). It's a word that reminds the feeling of having something that bites you inside again ad again. Adora regrets not to have insist more to take Catra with her, so she feels like several obscure creatures bite her.

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Just we are talking about language, if Altec, Lyssa or someone notice types, or have suggestions to write dialogues better, please tell me with a comment below (it's valid for all comics and I save the time I would spend to make the usual presentation. Sorry I didn't think about it earlier. XD XD XD)

Any help will be appreciate and thanked on the front page of each comic. ^ O 3 < ^ ♡



Emanuele Barone

It's good you invited this or I'd feel insufferable for it. It's "chose", not "choosed", and well, "remorse" is also an English word. ^^


I noticed some minor things, yes. Like, panel upper right: "But the truth is, you CHOSE to fight...." ;-) You can always ask us for help with translation and correcting things, deary! <3


Yes! You know where to send things for proofreading ;3 Always always always happy to help!

Branden Bull

I'd be happy to help as well! I've actually been having fun helping look over people's writing :D


True! Branden beta-read my two shortstories and beta-reads for jbts, too! ❤️🥰

Branden Bull

Ahhh this is so scarey as well as heartbreaking, but also it looks amazing!


XD XD XD I always forget it's an irregular verb! Thank you, sunshine (for the remorse notice too)! ^ U 3 U ^ ♡ ♡ ♡


^ O//U//O ^ Thanks all three! ^ > // 3 // < ^ ♡ ♡ ♡ As long as you are all three here, I prefer to make corrections directly on Patreon ( unlike Instagram, here we can completely edit posts including images, so I can replace the image with the correct version), then when your subscription will expire, we can continue with google presentation as before (adding Branden) if you have not changed your mind. I think it’s more comfortable. ^ O U O ^ What do you think?


Adora is unexpectedly cruel to herself. ^ 6 o 6 ^ I’m so happy that the next page begins the sweet part. ^ T A T ^


My personal-inner-scary-corupted-Catra: "don't talk like you have nothing to do with this!" || Me: I don't decide what to imagine, ok??! XD XD XD