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Glimmer's and Bow’s isn’t the first wedding that Adora and Catra have. They have already celebrate some of their friends (Mermista and Sea Hawk, Scorpia and Perfuma...) and attended some weddings of nobles as public figures (since Adora is a princess and Catra is master strategist of Brightmoon). They both have a lot of fun at weddings and sometimes talking about theirs.

While helping her friends to plan their wedding, Adora takes notes and Glimmer notices:

Glimmer: Are you taking note for the day you will marry Catra? 6 v 6

Adora: Yep! 6 U 6

Bow: OH! Are you going to be married? When? O V O

Adora: I haven’t proposed yet. 9 o 9 It must be a magical surprising moment, when she least expects it! >//V//< ♡

Bow: Why don't you ask her during our wedding, then? For sure it’s the moment when she least expects it. O v < ☆

Glimmer: YEAH! That's the plan: I’ll throw the bouquet at Catra and you'll pull out the ring! * V *  Can you imagine a more magical surprising moment but this?? O//V//O

Bow: and we are gonna call this new mission: "Marry the cat"! > V < ☆

Adora: Pfft! > V < Sounds cool! ...but... are you sure you want me to propose Catra at your wedding? That's the magic moment of yours. 6 o 6

Glimmer: I think your proposal will make it more magical. O V < ♡

Bow: Agree. Aren't we the Best Friends Squad? 4 V 4 ☆

Adora: Aww! SURE YOU ARE THE BEST!! > // V // < ♡

*best friends squad hug*

The best friends squad didn't know "the cat" was wondering to propose Adora at the end of the wedding... ^ O P O ^

+ + +

There was a comic about Glimbow proposal before of this one, but I decided to cut it out, for the moment.

Glimmer has commissioned a special arrow to insert a ring in and propose Bow.




You are SWEET! ^ > 3 < ^ SMACK-SMACK-SMACK! ♡


This is adorable! Love all the cute little details.

Branden Bull

Oh my stars this is so sweet, I think this my favourite proposal scene I've ever scene for them, with them both being prepared to propose at the same time. <3 <3 And the bonus of Adora and the BFS planning out how she will propose, and the panel of how Glimmer will propose to Bow, also so very cute! :D Also, I know you've said that you want people to point out any errors in language, but I feel awkward doing it, so just wanna confirm and I could leave it as a separate comment!