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This is a personal post so please bear with me!

I don't really like to share my state of mind on every aspect of my life, I’m quite happy just ticking along most of the time but I do like to talk about the things that are deeply personal or affect my work here on Patreon.

I do this mostly so that I can keep everyone informed of anything that might affect my work. I owe a great deal to the support I have here on patreon and elsewhere online so I feel that I should. 

Annnd unfortunately right now, I'm not feeling great. In fact I don't think I've ever felt so bad from a mental state anyway for many years. I don't want to go into any details really but suffice to say there are a great many things on my mind. 

So, this of course, affects my ability to draw and despite trying desperately to do a little bit here and there every day I think I honestly need a bit of a break. 

After this post goes live I’m going to be taking a week or two to do just that. 

I really hope everyone can understand this decision and I do this knowing that some people are going to see my recent lack of work and this break as a reason to stop supporting me or unfollow me on social media and that sucks but I do have to look after myself as well. 

In brighter news, KTech is still going to release things here on patreon, shes been owrking on more tokens and a new asset pack. Plus, I did a collaboration recently which will be out soon as well! So things will still be coming out and hopefully I can get back into the swing of things as quickly as I can. 

Finally I just want to say, although I don't do massive shout outs or keep up to date with people here on patreon as much I should I absolutely love you all for continuing to support my work. I hope everyone is going okay and I see you soon <3 


Sailor Business

I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough time of it, but I'm glad that you're taking care of yourself. I love your work, but I'm more than happy to see you take some time off when you need it!


Take all the time you need, we'll wait


It’s a very admirable thing to do, to take time for yourself. This year has been more difficult than most. Put your feet up and chill out, take care, reflect and recover, sometimes that’s what we need for a while. :) Modern life isn’t always accommodating to this, but it’s good that you can make space.


Take your time.

Domille's Wondrous Works

Caeora, it is important to take care of yourself. Most of us (if not all of us) will still be here when you come back.


Take care of yourself.


You seem like a quality person, and deliver quality work. Take all the time you need, man, we all get it right now. Nobody's going to bounce, and anyone who drops you for being honest doesn't deserve to enjoy the work you do for us. 🎩


And those you lose will no doubt be replaced tenfold over the years. :)


You do what you need to do, fella. Taking care of yourself is important. I learnt that lesson the hard way. Myself and i'm sure many others, will still be here when you get back. Much love, take care. Bones, rawr!


rest and relax all you need !


Take care of yourself and your mental health first! Your work is amazing, but not worth your health; I hope you’re able to rest and recharge and come back in a much better place!


Take care! It's okay!


Everyone needs time to rest and rejuvenate, even if what they do on a day to day basis is what they love. Time you invest in taking care of yourself will return amazing dividends.

Papa Steel

With the world how it is, nobody can blame you. &lt;3 We'll be here when you get back!


Burn out is super easy, especially if you have to figure out how to pace yourself. I train dogs for a living, and in the forums, that's probably one of the #1 things people warn about. For me, the best thing I ever did was figured out how to budget my time better, and learned to work on cooping skills. I think that's a life long battle for some, and I wish you nothing but the best in your struggle to find balance.


Always be good to yourself in that you cant help others if you've run your own well dry. May peace be with you. Thank you for who you are. I look forward to sustaining the joy.


Let me pile on and encourage you to take the time you need for you. This hobby is all about having fun. I can wait an extra bit, especially if it helps you to get back to the having fun part of life.

Chris Skuller

Best of luck brother. We all support your decision here. Whatever you need to do, do it. We'll be waiting right here for your eventual return.

John Hodson

Take it slow boss - no need to rush. Health comes first.


all cool dude, take some time off. i'm paying quality not quantity. i'll happily help pay for your sick leave. we'll be here when you get back


Know that position


Know that patron or not, we support you Caeora


Your bravery and openness should be an inspiration to us all. Take whatever time you need to get into a better state of mind. We'll be here for you.

Adam Farnsworth

Take all the time you need! Your mental health has to be the priority, we'll be here when you're feeling better.

David S. Dawson

You're making the right choice! The mind is a terrible thing to lose! Here take this: [You receive a Support Token]

Michael Taylor

Its a tough year and your mental health must be your priority, take your time, take the break you need and whatever happens next, just know we have really apreciated your work - its fabulous in fact - and at alter date if you can pick it up again we'd be very happy, but if not, we are also cool with that. take care , Michael