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A ton of people wanted me to colour the previous map that I posted. I received some lovely comments and it was such a lovely map to work on that I decided that I should listen and keep going..

And here it is! The Lhodos Northern Kingdoms map all done in glorious colour :) 

Technically this is one of my most detailed smaller maps Ive ever done and I've improved on a number of things, including the forests, rivers and the way I highlight the oceans. All in all it's a wonderful little map that you can use to create your own little regions by using the blank versions in the downloads! 

Oh and I also made a more muted version that I personally think looks fantastic and is in many ways just as nice as the full colour version, if you want me to include a muted version like that for maps in the future let me know! :D 




Gorgeous! Thank you!


My friend wanted to try DMing so we've been using this map. It's been fun making encounter tables for it. Happy it's in color now

Gerard SERRE

Pourriez vous envisager de réaliser pour le monde de CONAN la carte du monde Hyborien ........... avec la qualité de vos dessin nous aurions enfin un document à la hauteur de cette saga.


Absolutely beautiful!


So gorgeous!!