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Finished up the map of Lhodos: Northern Kingdoms today and this is now one of my new favourites! 

This is actually a remake or rather a zoomed in region of a map I did years ago called Lhodos, you can see what that was like below :P 

I think i've improved a little since then and was able to include tons more detail. Now this might seem like a big map but actually it's not, this is halfway between A4 and A3! It's 300ppi so it might seem more detailed and larger than it is but despite its smaller size it was a wonderful map to work on and includes tons of extra lovely details like heraldry shields, map icons and different versions :) 

Speaking of which there are a few versions in the downloads like hex grid versions and without and maps without names so you can use it for creating your own worlds! 

Finally let me know if you would like this in colour, I wasn't planning on it to begin with but I will if enough people think its worth the effort XD 




Isn't Lhodus the name of a d&d anime


Absolutely one of my favorites too! Just the right number of terrain feature and points of interest to keep it varied and engaging without being overwhelming or confusing.


Also I'm a sucker for color personally, so that'd absolutely have my vote :)