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Hello everyone! 

Things have been pretty quiet lately, mostly because I've been working on the most detailed map I've ever made. And it's going well! 

I'm drawing my own version of Middle Earth, in my own style for people to use however they like!

I've so far spent the last 3 weeks working on it and I've finally got to the stage where I can colour it a little but I still think the line art could do with some work. 

Most of the important story areas are finished, The Shire, Mirkwood, Rohan, Mordor etc but there are some parts on the outer edges that are pretty thin and lacking right now. I need to spend a little more time on it, before it's truly finished.

Of course I cant really monetize this in any way and I don't even think I can sell prints of this or anything. So when it's all done it will be on my website for free so if you want to use it in a game or hang it on the wall you can do so! 

Below you can download what I have so far. I’ve spent the last two days taking a break from it, and will get back to work on it tomorrow. If you have any thoughts or want to chat to me about the process then come and watch my twitch stream tomorrow where I will be colouring the map in more detail! :D


Oh! And there will different versions of this when its done! Coloured and plain versions, blank versions and named, plus one with a hex grid for ttrpg uses. :)

Oh Oh! Below is the first pass of colout that I did on stream on Saturday, its not exactly what I want but its a good start! 






That's just phenomenal!


Amazing! Beautiful! Love it ❤️❤️❤️


Looking great!


This looks beautiful! If you don't mind me asking but how big are your Photoshop settings. I ask as the resolution appears to hold up really well zoomed it. It doesn't pixelate close up.


Where is that beautiful Balrok from the Stream the other day?

rune hansen

Taken completely out of context, that comment made me smile =) Casually drops remark about beautiful Balrok seen down at the stream...