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Hey everybody! KTech here again with the CR2 Pack (part 1)

Firstly, this pack would've had over 50 tokens if I'd have done the entire pack in one go, so instead, I decided 2 smaller packs would be a little more managable. :)

Secondly, this is the first pack to use the new sizes! 

(Here's the post about the change incase you missed it! https://www.patreon.com/posts/new-plan-35521138)

I'm actually super happy with the size change, as it gives me a little more to work with in terms of adding details and posing. I've also been rethinking the way I pose some of the tokens, specifically head angles, and leg poses for non humanoid creatures.

I do feel like im becoming much more comfortable with humanoid poses too like the gitzerai monk and particularly the Bandit captain here. Then again, I'm always a sucker for a swishy long coat! :D

I was pretty unhappy with how bland the Wyrmlings were looking from the CR1 pack design I had, so I went back to the drawing board when it came to this pack and I'm far happier with these little dragons. I think they look far less stubby than before.

Let me know what you guys think in the comments! :)



Foundry Virtual Tabletop

AWESOME token pack. The increase in resolution is immmediately noticeable and makes a HUGE difference. This is incredible!


These are awesome! Congrats on being the first person I follow to hit CR 2!


Round of well deserved applause :).


The gibbering mouther and gelatinous cube are especially spot-on. Nice work!


These look amazing! The gelatinous cube is definitely a favourite of mine!