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I was just going to post what I've been working on recently on discord but thought it might be better to share it with a post instead :)

I was house sitting all last week and while I was still working it was a nice mini holiday in some ways and very relaxing! I managed to get a few pieces drawn and inked and a big battle map coloured with just a few small tweaks before I'll post that, maybe sometime today or tomorrow!

I was also working on my cave/rock game and thought it would be a nice to try and do a battle map for some dragons!

This token is based on the same kind of shape as the stone dragon that I've done previously although now nice and updated. I was going to create a new type of dragon called a brown dragon that would be a smaller forest/grassland dwelling creature that is far less destructive than other types and although it still avoids humans and preys on domesticated animals it can also be friendly. The major inspiration here would be the dragon from the old dragonheart movie :)

I've got some sketches of other dragon types in the works and would ideally like to make a dragon lair customized to each! This is part of my efforts to fulfill some patron requests as well as a few people have asked for dragons and their different versions and their lairs :)

In other news I've been thinking about my patreon a little bit lately and how to move forwards and maybe hit some of my goals but that is a subject for another post. I will say that nothing major will change in regards to content but I might make it a little more tempting to support me in the future ;)




Yesss! Pumped about this as my party goes through what is turning into a dragon hunting campaign! The only thing I'll request is that they are big maps with plenty of room for our dragons to fly around, and places to hide behind. Also, dragonheart was great!


I will do my best! This one is will be the smallest of the bunch as it was a test for doing cave walls but it's for the smallest dragon type ;)