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Cause I gots gun. A toy gun. :D


MVI 7797



Lawrence Davis

Getting ready to visit the US, Evie?

Lawrence Davis

Then she'd better learn how to hold a handgun. The one-handed approach is for movies and television, especially if you want to hit something, and the gansta-video/movie idea of holding the handgun parallel to the ground is a sure-fire way to hit your victim's kneecap, at best, and smack the side of your head with the recoil. Of course, I was just joking about having to carry an handgun if you come to visit ... or was I? :o) :o) :o) hint: I was only joking. If you want to visit New York City, all you will need is every cent you own; nothing is free, or even reasonably priced. If any Disney park is on your agenda, then find a buyer for one of your kidneys and cash it in. There are a lot of spectacular places to visit, but it is a large country (geographically) and requires a lot of driving or flying. One advantage: you already know the language, and have a list of cyber-friends you can hit up for some free nights lodging.

Muse Volition

oh no, ez privatez >_< that thumnail looked interesting, :P