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HEY! So I feel like I have neglected yous, appreciate you staying with me! I'm gonna do another free custom video for one of you. So leave a comment below if you wanna be a part of it :) And I'll do the random number thingy again. 

What kind of stuff do you guys want to see from me on here? More frequent custom video winnages, random pics etc? 

Thank you all! :)




Custom vids would great.

Lawrence Davis

I'm confused. Are you 'sposed ta be a New Yawk street vender wit dat hat and Cousin Vinnie expressions? Getouttahere! You ain't from downtown, you ain't from Brooklyn, Queens, or da Bronx, and I know you ain't from Jersey, 'cause I'm from Jersey, or used ta be. I seen yer vidyas afore, 'n you tawk funny, like you just got off da boat from europe or somethin'. There's people wit fancy accents out at da Hamptons, mebbe you should be there. Take the train, 'cause you don't wanna drive out there, da traffic stinks. :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) 'bout dem vidyas, you put whatteva you want here, it's your space, but don't do none a dat Masterpiece Theata showy stuff, 'cause we just don't get it, otherwise, I'm cool with everything else you do, or I wouldn't be here. Your vidyas are like butta. Kapish? :o) :o) :o) :o) :o) It would be good to let Art Scott win dis time. I think he'd be ova da moon. I know it's 'sposed to be random, but if only his name is in da hat, then he wins, get it?


Silly, inane drama is your best suit. I would like to see more art videos, too! As far as posts here in Patreon, I love the behind-the-scenes and bloopers the most!


Would love to be a part of it.

Lawrence Davis

Enough of my bad jokes. My ASMR experiences fall into the 'personal attention' category. I think this is why many of your subscribers love the 'Nancy' videos. but a steady diet of anything tends to make it increasingly less effective, and more difficult for the creator to maintain. I think humor is what you do best, and why I enjoy what you do. It isn't necessarily relaxing, and ASMR triggers aren't likely (at least for me), but there are other channels that I support for those qualities exclusively. I listen to your channel for fun, and prefer to let you do what you do naturally. As for this Patreon feed, most of the people I support leave nothing, so anything you post here is a bonus, whatever it is. It shows you care enough to want to say thanks. When I enjoy a video, I'll be sure to let you know, and if not then I'll stay quiet, because what may not be my favorite is probably making someone else's day.


Hahaha, you craaaaazy. Love it. :o) I get ya, I try to do a mixture of funny and normal stuff. Though the normal stuff doesn't seem as popular, so perhaps most of my subscribers watch me for the same reason you do. Ok, that makes me feel a bit better knowing they don't put stuff on their patreons! :P Although I don't wanna be one of those people. Ah thank you, I appreciate that :)


I need to actually do some art first, I'm such a slacker! Ah yes, bloopers. Sometimes difficult to do cause when I turn the camera on, what I record is what I use haha. But I shall try to do more funny behind the scenes shizzle

Lawrence Davis

Sidebar: I've dropped three people from my Patreon account over the past two months, not because they aren't posting to their Patreon stream, but they aren't posting new videos in YouTube, either. There is another on the chopping block if they continue to be as intermittent as they have been this spring and summer. The other five (yourself included) are active and perfect examples of channels that deserve support.


Me too!


I'd like to see you do an ASMR roleplay with some kind of dystopian future scenario. It wouldn't need any special effects or anything, it's all about the story. Of course it would be even better if you put in some of your signature humor. :)