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This was filmed over a week ago and none, that I know of, died. :D

So it's aaaaaaaaaaall good !


Baby Fish Update!



How do you feel about aquarium "faux"liage?

Lawrence Davis

It is hard enough to give kittens away, how does one give away fish that aren't intended for human consumption? Have their genders been determined? It is easier to give them new homes if they have been spayed. Do they need sunscreen for protection against the UV light? Which brand do you recommend, and what is the SPF rating? You get a gold star for taking care of them and not giving them the Nemo approach of "flushing them down to the sea, towards which all water eventually flows".


Haha, well... I used to have it for a long time because plants just, died all the time.


But I did some research on the plants I had and turns out I was keeping them incorrectly, planting them wrong etc. I prefer real plants cause they're good for the fish, although I swear my tank is 'dirtier' (more bits floating around) since I've had them. :/


That is true :o Haha well, I haven't even taken this into consideration. What SPF do you think would be suitable, surely factor 50 since they're under direct 'sunlight' all the time? My goodness. Ah thanks! I could never :o