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HellO! So I'm going to do a live stream soon just for my $10 patrons. Not really sure the best time or day to do it so it suits everyone. And me. :P I have the week off work now so was thinking Tuesday evening or Wednesday? 

Maybe even during the day if that suits anyone, so could be tomorrow perhaps.

Let me know your thoughts!



Anytime in later this afternoon would be peeaaak (cause i have thangs to do for the next like 3 hours)


Some time in the late afternoon/evening is usually a good time for me. Like six, seven, eight, or nine.


Ok so what time zones are you all in? I'm GMT so as this current moment it's 19:18. I might do a live stream for everyone tonight, and one for just you peeps another day. I want everyone to be involved but it's difficult! Seems like me doing a video late at night works best for most?


As in late at night for me so that usually makes it earlier evening for most


GMT +1


Wait it's BST in the UK at the moment cause it's summer. Oh the confusion haha


The summer/winter time is a hassle in itself, US and Canada change their times at different times (ehh...) from Europe/EU.


Isn't it just! Oh really, gawd. It never occurred to me we changed time zones before. So strange