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Genius I am

❀PATREON: http://patreon.com/asmrattack ❀FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/asmrattack ❀PAYPAL: sloweyo@gmail.com ❀TWITTER https://twitter.com/sarah_chunks ❀TWITCH https://www.twitch.tv/ladydangerr ❀UPLOAD Schedule Wed, Fri and Sun (I try to at least) :D ❀WHAT is ASMR? Firstly it stands for Autonomous sensory meridian response. ''What on earth does that even mean?!'' Err, you can ask Wikipedia for the answer to that...BUT I can tell you what it does to the body, although sadly not everyone experiences it. I say sadly because it is a NICE sensation, so if you get it, just enjoy it! Basically it's a tingling sensation ranging anywhere from the scalp (where I get it) to down the back, though suppose you could get this feeling anywhere! ❀''This is some sexual fetish though, surely?'' NO. The majority of ASMR lovers don't watch these videos to get sexual pleasure from it. But let's face it, there are a large number that do. Us creators aren't clueless about this, I'm sure we just prefer not to think about it. While others take advantage of that. ❀So that brings me to the most COMMON question of people who don't understand ASMR: ''Why are you whispering/speaking so softly?'' Cause it's relaxing, duh :D There are so many things that can trigger ASMR, what one person may find tingly, another may find extremely annoying. Mouth sounds are a great example of this (slapping, chewing, crunching etc). You either love it or hate it. ❀More 'triggers': Whispering/speaking softly. Crinkling paper or a plastic bag, or anything else that crinkles! Page turning. Tapping wood, plastic, card...again pretty much anything that taps. Water sounds. Stroking stuff or rubbing sounds (Q tips along a mic for example) ❀Or visual stimuli: In real life I have experienced this through watching people clean (like dusting, polishing windows etc). The repetitive motion of the hands I suppose it is. So hand movements, finger fluttering. The sound and the movement of someone stroking the pages of a book as they turn. There are so so many, I couldn't possibly name them all without boring you to tears. So if you don't get ASMR, that's fine. But let the few of us that do enjoy it :D



Totes last minute, just testing but something I can do more of perhapples

Lawrence Davis

I wasn't available at the time, and was not aware of this until later. I did listen to it in its entirety while at work (I work third shift stocking shelves at a local retail establishment ... I think you know something about that.) Because the phone was in my pocket, I was able to hear your replies, but not see any of the text comments. It was strange because I wanted to break into the discussion, especially the beginning where you kept asking if anyone was there, but I was unable to do so. Now I know how a ghost would feel. Whenever I add a creator to my Patreon account, the wizard asks what reward I would like, based upon whatever tier I was entering; I generally respond with 'no reward'. I'm adding someone to my account because I like what they do and want to support them however I can, no reward expected. I suppose you can do whatever you think you should do with regards to rewards. I have no opinion in the matter, and am not likely to change a pledge because the next tier has a bigger prize. I will, however, remain as loyal a fan to you as you are loyal to your friends, because I think we all are friends at some level, and you are a hoot to watch. :o) btw: you asked about time differences, I am in the east coast US. If you are at Greenwich Meridian time then I am five hours behind you.


Dunno if it helps, a lot of the creators I follow do something like this: All patrons get photos & updates, etc. For $5 you get your name at the end of the video (this helps to create a "community," and whatnot,) and at $10 or $15 you get into the Discord hangout/chat, (so a slightly more exclusive chat situation.) After the $20 mark everyone starts to get far more creative and original with what they offer. *Note: I've updated my pledges on other channels from $1 or $2 to $5 for the streams & credits, but that's as high as I've ever gone. Have a good night/day :) Dami


Oh cripes, only just saw this! That did help thank you! Always nice to know what other creators offer, I'll take a little look at a few and see what they've got going on. A discord chat is a good idea, easier to monitor and what not. Yeah I get ya. It makes me wonder if people are inclined to pay the extra just for getting their name at the end of the video. But I suppose people will!