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Finally managed to render a video on my PC! 

What a victory for all of us, I can't even remember what I spoke about in this vid, but enjoy anyway :D




Lawrence Davis

What I said a few weeks ago, about Supergirl season 2 going off the rails, I still stand by that, but we are more than a half dozen episodes into season 3, and the show is back on track. I think the writers are trying to undo the damage they have done. Don't make the pouty-eyed face about the year passing by so quickly, you'll make the rest of us cry ... ... okay maybe not, but don't do it anyway.

Daniel Russo

Yes, you definitely don't need alcohol to be interesting. It brings to mind an intriguing concept, though: what if you did a pretend-drunk ASMR video? It could either be a character who's trying to do conventional ASMR triggers while drunk, or one whose drunken behavior just happens to have ASMR effects. It could potentially be a lot more effective (and funnier) than actually trying to do ASMR after drinking, since the probability of accidentally causing non-ASMR sounds would be much lower.


I don't want to be annoyingly personal, but at your age I was sitting at home reading TIME magazine and Newsweek for fun. I wondered why I had very few friends in college and I was invited to very few parties. Without any particularly drastic changes in personality (minor improvements here and there!), a few years later I got my feet under me career wise and started making a small number of friends through work and a few years after that met my wonderful soulmate wife. My point is - being bored and not very social at this age is not necessarily a bad thing, and, MUCH more importantly, in a few years none of this will matter anyway! In the meantime you'll still be a bit bored sometimes (and sometimes more or less!) but before you know it you'll laugh at the whole thing.


Nothing wrong with the odd puzzle or two... personally, I used to be rather partial to logic grid puzzles.


I get quite frustrated after a while if I don't have some kind of creative outlet; so it pretty cool seeing you get back into art. Drawing was always my 'thing' back in the day; so I'm quite envious of your painting skills, lol.