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Poll: Buying The Wife A Gift - 2024 edition

  • Don't change it. 1
  • Update using the plain white text image. 0
  • Update using the colored text and all that it implies. 13
  • 2024-01-04
  • 14 votes
{'title': 'Poll: Buying The Wife A Gift - 2024 edition', 'choices': [{'text': "Don't change it.", 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Update using the plain white text image.', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Update using the colored text and all that it implies.', 'votes': 13}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 4, 8, 6, 49, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 14}


I've created a 5th image in the Buying the Wife a Gift CAP series. It'll be out toward the end of the month. But, in so doing, I've been looking at the old CAPs and my editor brain took over. Below is the 2nd CAP in the series Wearing The Gift To My Wife. And if you look at the original, link below, the text is cut off. It says "Wait? What was that". But in my image file, the text says, "Wait? What was that last thought?" A totally different ending. So, I fixed it. Then I changed a couple other things. And then I thought about color. I worry the color is a bit ham-fisted.

I'm curious what your thoughts are on making an update to CAP-Wearing The Gift To My Wife. This was originally released Feb 4, 2019. I'll probably upload the update to deviant Art this February to mark the CAP's 5th anniversary. Please post if you spot a typo.

Link to the original



Transcript in case that's too hard to read: I don't know why I keep doing this. I was only supposed to cast that spell that one time so I could buy her a present that would fit perfectly. And I did. It looks great on her. I'm wearing it now myself. Looking in the mirror and seeing her face is so exciting. Absentmindedly caressing her skin, well, my skin... Wearing the clothes I purchased for her... It's so easy to lose myself in the eyes of my beloved. Is it so wrong now that those eyes are currently my own? What am I doing? Why have I continued to cast the spell after I finished shopping for her? This is maybe the tenth time I've done it. She's not away for the weekend. She could come home any time. She could walk into our bedroom. She could find me... like this. Why am I turned on? Would she freak out? Would she laugh? Would she leave me? Would she teach me how to do my makeup? Wait. Why did...? What was that last thought?

David Fenger

I really like the coloured text effect. I mean, it's sort of implied by the baseline text anyway, but the snap-back to blue adds a nice bit of punch to the last line. Trading ambiguity for drama is just fine in my book. PS: Another sequel? YAY! These caps are some of my favourites of yours. (OK, there were a few mannequin ones that amused me, but this is *hot*.)


Two of them now. A cap from the original wife's point of view is brewing if I find the right pic. Re: Color. Someday I'll trust my instincts.