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If you haven't read any of the prior Ted's Dolls stories, you should start with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one. The role-playing game content of this story follows from Ted’s Dolls 28: Emily 6. The wizardry content follows from Ted’s Dolls 31: Jane 4. Ted’s Dolls 25: Jane 3 might also be a helpful memory aid.

Emily and Richard arrived just a bit late to the poker game that evening. Beverly, Rhana, and Whitney were already dolled up and standing near the bedroom door to cheer the players on. “Hi, Richard. Emily. Not staying tonight?”

“Oh, I’m staying,” she said, removing her winter coat. The December cold had settled in on Monday and had taken her by surprise as she and Richard had been a dolls all day Monday and Tuesday. She set the coat down on a sofa and sized up the other dolls. “Do you think I’d look good here between Rhana and Beverly?”

“I think you look good wherever you are,” Richard said.

“Smooth,” Murat said.

She stood where she had said and posed before the transformation started.

“Did she just…?” Earl said.

“Yes, I’m dating a witch.”

“That’s so cool.”

“Yes, it’s cool until you end up a doll for three days. Right, Richard?” Rob said.

“You heard about that?”

“Bev heard it from Trish who heard it from Paris.”

“Are you sure what you heard wasn’t mangled in that telephone chain?” Murat said.

“Given the evidence in front of us, it was not.”

* * *

Doll watched the sunrise. Doll saw Owner walk into the dorm. Doll heard the door to the room open and close. Doll waited, content that Owner was home. Doll felt Owner’s hands reach around from behind and play with Doll’s boobs. Doll liked how it felt. Doll hoped for more. Owner spent some time fondling Doll before letting go of Doll.

“Morning, Jane. Hope you enjoyed your evening. I have to leave. I wish I had time to find out how long this takes. It’s 7:46 right now.”

Jane turned around. Emily was not in the room. She looked at her phone. It was 8:39. It took less than an hour for Emily’s magic to work. Though, this was not the first thing on Jane’s mind. She was hornier than she could ever remember feeling before and had to do something about that before she could even think about going to classes.

* * *

Emily was in the room when Jane returned from classes. “That was so cool,” Jane said. “Before you leave, do it again.”

“I thought you didn’t want to be a doll.”

“It was so much sexier when you did it compared to Ted.”


“It was great when Ted did it, no doubt. But just standing there last night felt pretty good. And I enjoyed getting rubbed in the morning, you naughty thing.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Problem is I’m headed to Richard’s room in five minutes and won’t be back before going to my game tonight.”

“Do it now. I have no plans tonight. Saves me money on food too.”

“If you insist. It’s only three o’clock. You might be a doll till eight in the morning,” Emily warned. “I almost forgot, how long did it take this morning?”

“Around 50 minutes.”

Jane was still transforming when Emily left a few minutes later.

Emily got into Richard’s room before he got back from classes. She hoped he wasn’t planning any detours before returning to his room. She removed her top and bra and lay down on the floor under his desk. She transformed.

Instantly, she couldn’t move. Emily thought it was weird that she wasn’t aware of the transformation when she was the transformer. She was thinking of herself as Emily and that was a small victory. It was also a bit boring. Richard must have gone somewhere else after classes. She knew one way to make laying under his desk less boring. It was like reaching out to touch a switch.

Doll was happy Emily had put Doll in charge. Poor Emily was “board”. Doll was amused at its joke. Doll was not bored. Doll hoped Owner would foot rub its tits soon.

Doll waited.

Doll got excited when Doll heard the door to the dorm open.

Doll waited.

Owner stood above Doll. “I hope you managed to make it to class and then came back here.”

Doll had done what Owner had told it.

“I suppose something wants a boob footjob.”

Yes, please, Owner, Doll thought. Doll was happy when Doll heard Owner’s shoes drop to the floor.

Owner opened the laptop on the desk and sat down to catch up on his reading. He massaged Doll’s tits with his feet.

Doll soon blissed.

* * *

Richard and Emily arrived at Rhana and Earl’s place several minutes late. Earl had managed not to make enough food for an orc hoard. As soon as Emily arrived, Rhana had questions:

“When did you become a wizard?

“What’s it like to cast a spell?

“Can you turn me into a doll?

“Does Ted know?

“What does Ted think?

“Can you teach me how?

“Can you turn me into a doll?”

Emily held her hands up in self-defense. “Whoa, whoa. I’ll tell you everything as we eat.”

“Rhana, I told you the answers to half those questions,” Earl said.

“I’d prefer a first hand account.”

Emily, with Richard’s input, told Rhana and Earl all about the last few days where Emily discovered her ability and then got stuck as a doll for three days. This included all the speculation from Ted on how she got her powers. Dishes from dinner were being washed as the last of Rhana’s questions were finally answered.

“Jane is a doll right now?”

“Ted asked you not to experiment,” Richard said.

“He did. But he knew I would.”

* * *

“The party emerges from the forest near sundown after three days travel and a few too many battles. Two of the men-at-arms died and four more were wounded. It was a good thing they had found a cart in the monastery. Originally, it was so the victims of the gorgon wouldn’t have to walk. Now they had plenty of horses to ride for everyone able to ride and the wounded were using the cart,” Earl narrated. “Before you is open plains and in the distance you can see the silhouette of Highpointe on the horizon.

“You continue your trek back to civilization. It seems like you will spend one more night under the stars before reaching the city gates tomorrow evening. Sir Lyle, you point to a hill a short way off the road to Highpointe. You remember there being a village there and there are some this wisps of smoke in that direction.”

“’I stayed in a small village over there on my way to the monastery a few months ago,’ Lyle says. ‘Perhaps we can find an inn there.’”

“’Sounds good to me,’” Emily said as Princess Mylya. “’Lead the way.’”

“The owner of the inn is happy to greet the obviously noble woman and her entourage. He is less happy when Sir Abraham asks about somewhere to bury the dead.”

“Can I make a roll to prevent him from overcharging us too much? I’m sure I’ll be overcharged either way. But I’d rather pump money into the economy by spreading it around rather than concentrating it on this one inn owner’s pockets,” Emily said. “In fact, I tell Abraham to make sure money goes directly to the stable hands and service staff rather than all in a lump to the inn keeper.”

“The Princess is also an economics master,” Richard joked.

“Abraham smiles and says, ‘You are very wise for one so young.’”

“Lady Elswood is turned on by this redistribution of wealth plan.”

“Of course she is.”

* * *

The older gentleman stuck out like a sore thumb as he strode through the dormitory vestibule. No one seemed to mark his passage or that of the two less confident men accompanying him. When they got to the room on the fourth floor, one of the accomplices said, “Force the lock?”

“No, wait here.”

The older man walked over to a door proclaiming to the be the room of the resident assistant. He just stood there.

“What is it?” A young man said through the door.

The older man said nothing.

“You locked yourself out? That’s not like you, Emily.”

The older man looked up and down the corridor and still was silent.

The door opened. The resident assistant said, looking at no one, “Couldn’t Jane let you in?”

His conversation remained one-sided.

“You couldn’t wake her. But you could wake me?”

“Yes, it is my job.”

He unlocked the door and pushed it open to left Emily enter.

“The keys are on your desk? Good. I hate filling out paperwork for lost keys.”

“You, too. Good night.”

He went back to his room as the three men entered the dorm room.

* * *

Doll heard the door open. Owner was home early, it thought. Doll could not recall Owner walking into the dormitory. Maybe Owner would have time to play with Doll tonight.

Doll was disappointed when Doll heard men talking.

“Grab that blanket and wrap up the mannequin. The boss will be happy to see her.”

“She ain’t a mannequin, Mr. M.”

“She isn’t?”

“No, she seems more like one of those dolls,” the assistant said as he and the other assistant started to wrap up the doll in the blanket.

Mr. M examined the doll. “Hm. Well, I’m sure the boss won’t really mind either way. He’s getting his prize.”

Doll was not happy. Doll did not care what men were doing. But, now Doll could not see out the window.

“Take her to the truck. I’ll clean up a couple loose ends here.”

“You want us to wait for you in the truck?”

“No, take the doll to the boss immediately. I’ll get a ride to the penthouse on my own.”

“Okay, Mr. M.”

Doll was surprised when Doll was picked up. It felt good to be handled by the men. Doll hoped the men might use Doll. Doll had not been used in too long. Doll was carried out of the room. Was this a surprise from Owner? Doll wasn’t sure. Doll wished it could see where it was going.

* * *

Night falls and the tavern attached to the inn is entirely empty except for your troupe.

“The next time the server stops by, Mylya will ask her why none of the locals are drinking here tonight,” Emily says.

“The tavern girl brings a round of drinks and when you ask your question she leans down close. She says, ‘Folk don’t go out at night any more because of... the problem.’”

“’Problem? What kind of problem?’ the Princess asks.”

“’Dead rise from the graveyard at night. Go back before dawn.’ the girl says. ‘So it’s safe enough during the day. But the last person who stumbled out of here after dusk never made it home.’”

“’Princess, this isn’t our problem. These aren’t even your people.’ Sir Abraham says.”

“’All people are my people and they’re your people too. These good folk should not be afraid to go out for a drink.’”

Earl said, “It’s late. Should we stop here and deal with the problem next time?”

“Finals are in two weeks,” Richard said. “If we can deal with this quickly, we’ll be able to have a shorter session next week.”

“I agree. Let’s press on,” Emily said.

“Shortly, half the men-at-arms, Sirs Abraham and Lyle, Lady Elswood and Princess Mylya, and the former adventurer, Garand Orlack were walking toward the graveyard. A scout rushes up to Sir Abraham, ’Some figures moving in the graveyard. They don’t look too healthy.’

“’How many?’

“’At least a dozen.’

“’This sounds very dangerous, Princess. Lady Elswood, talk some sense into her.’”

“’Oh, they’re probably just some zombies. We’ll be fine.’”

After the first round of combat, one of the men-at-arms was struck by the undead and his body locked in place.

“’Are these ghouls?’ Garand says. ‘Ghouls can paralyze when they touch you. Then they eat you alive.’”

“That’s unpleasant.” Emily said. “’They must be stopped.’”

“’Certainly not how I like being eaten,’” Rhana said, probably in character.

Richard laughed. “’You’ll have time for that later, Lady Elswood,’ Sir Lyle said.”

“Although the men-at-arms and the knights out of habit form a ring around the Princess, in the heat of the battle, one of the ghouls manages to reach the Princess,” Earl said. He rolled some dice. “Does a 16 hit?”

“That’s my armor class,” Emily said.

Earl rolled another die. “Eight points of damage and you need to make a saving throw.”

“Oh, no. Four.”

“You feel your body become stiff.”

“Cool. Here goes.”

“She isn’t,” Rhana said. “It’s supposed to be me. No fair.”

“She is.”

“You did this, the ghouls, on purpose. Didn’t you, Earl?” Richard said.

“Who’s to say?” Earl said.

Three other men-at-arms were paralyzed. Most of them were wounded. The ghouls were defeated but the group had no way to restore the four men or the Princess.

“’It should wear off by morning,’ Lady Elswood says. ‘We should be more worried about any of those bitten becoming ghouls themselves.’”

“’There is a local priest who might be able to help.’ Lyle says he saw a church to the light goddess when he was last in the village.”

“Well, with Emily overacting here, I think we should stop for the night,” Richard said.

“Makes sense,” Earl said. “I do believe you’ve leveled up after the two fights in the forest plus this one. Have you read the rules enough to update your characters for next week without my help?”

He was looking at both Emily and Richard, but she was indisposed at the moment. “Yeah, I can muddle through. You want me to roll hit points now?”

“Oh, yes. Good idea.”

“Is Emily part of Ted’s Exhibition this weekend? I meant to ask her earlier.”

“No, she isn’t,” Richard said. “I’m doing some work for Ted. Flow control at the entrance. But I haven’t heard that Emily would be participating.”

* * *

Richard carried Emily to his dorm. It seemed like she wanted to stay a doll. He managed to have a bit of fun with her before he went to sleep. In the morning, she was still a doll. He wasn’t sure what to do. He wasn’t even sure if he spoke to her she would be awake to hear it.

He thought he knew one way to wake her up.

Doll was jolted awake as Owner pleasured Doll. Doll loved Owner. Doll loved being used by Owner. Doll was close to blissing when Owner said. “Emily, you have to be you or you’ll get stuck again.”

Why was Owner talking to Emily when Owner was playing with Doll? Doll was confused. And then Doll was Emily. Richard was talking to Emily because she was Emily. She should turn back to normal, she thought. But Richard wasn’t done with her. Being played with as a doll felt far better than being played with as a human. So, she remained a doll until he finished.

Richard repeated his warning to Emily even as he brought himself to climax. After a few deep breaths he said, “I have to leave. I better not find you here, Emily. You have classes to go to. Turn back.” He picked her up and pointed her toward the clock on his side table before he left.

While it was instantaneous for her, it was still nearly half an hour to change according to the clock she was looking at. She got up and rushed back to her dorm room. When she opened the door to her room, she noticed Jane wasn’t there. Had Ted restored her? She closed the door and suddenly couldn’t move.

“Where have you been?” A voice said in her mind. “I had to wait here all night for your return, whelp.”

Emily felt something forcing its way into her mind and it hurt. She wanted to lash out at the attacker but couldn’t see where he was. After a moment, she dropped to the floor unconscious.

“You’re going to be dangerous eventually. But you’re just a runt now,” Mr. M said. His voice dripped with disgust. “Oh, you whore. Wizards don’t get fucked by chattel. They fuck chattel. You like paralyzing yourself for pleasure. Pathetic. Haven’t you noticed your friend Ted doesn’t get fucked. He fucks. Wait, you call that boy Owner? You need to be taught a lesson.”

Emily’s body twisted in agony as his invectives were accompanied by his tampering with her memory.

When he was finished, he took the Bittolé dress he had found hanging in Jane’s closet. He also took her laptop and her phone. No one runs off and leaves their phone behind, he thought. He gave the room one last look before leaving.

Emily was tucked neatly in her bed, sound asleep, unaware Mr. M even existed.


David Fenger

Well, that's annoying. Someone interfering with their fun...