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Edit 2: This novel is complete now. Read about Barry and how he turns people into various things in various ways. There's even some on campus intrigue to add to the fun.

Edit: I've finished this story. There are 24 chapters and an epilogue. I hope it feels like a rollercoaster ride when you read it. The original text of this post is below:

Today begins the serialization of It Suits Me, a novel length story about Barry and how he can turn people into wearable bodysuits among other transformations. There are 23 parts written and at least 2-5 more parts to go. Unlike the last novel, this one isn't finished yet. But, at one week per chapter, I have 5 months get it finished. Wish me luck. :)

This post contains the chapter links.



I click the "notify readers about edits" for the first time. Not sure how annoying that is or isn't. Let me know.