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Jessica Owens was a beautiful woman and I was a shy, horny college freshman. We had met a few weeks ago, the week of the start of my Freshman semester at Thymes-Fowler University. We just hit it off. But, I was a bit shy. Until my senior year of high school I had been an outsider, just one of those kids no one liked. I had no idea why. I chose a school as far away from my small hometown as possible for college and already my luck had turned around.

We were studying together in her dorm room. My dorm was too loud, she claimed. I think she felt it was too unkempt. She sat back to stretch and I could not help but stare at her breasts as they rose with her arching back. She laughed and I knew I was caught. She leaned in and gave me a peck on the cheek. I turned to give her a kiss on the lips and for the first time we had a real kiss. A kiss that was more than a European air kiss. We held the kiss for a moment and separated. “That was nice,” she said.

I just nodded, afraid whatever I might say would ruin the mood. My hands were on her shoulders. I gave a gentle squeeze and my fingers closed through her shoulder as if she were a balloon. I squeezed one of her arms and the same thing happened. The confused look in her eyes became one of fear.

“Barry?” she said, her voice frantic. She was deflating. After a moment she stopped moving, her face frozen, expressionless. My arms were beside my head fingers splayed apart in a gesture of not knowing what to do. She fell to the ground in an unnatural heap.

“Jessica?” I uselessly said. I picked her up by the shoulders. She had the look and feel of a full-body leotard, with a head attached to it. I turned her around and saw a zipper, currently open, that ran from the back of the neck to the top of the butt. The body stocking I was holding was no longer wearing her clothes. They were in a heap at my feet. As I was holding her at arms length, the door to the dorm room opened.

“Barry?” Jessica's roommate, Sandra, asked. “Where-- What's that?”

I tossed it on the sofa. “Nothing,” I said. “Um. Hi, Sandra. What's up?” I pushed Jessica's clothes under the sofa as I stepped toward Sandra.

“That looked like a naked body,” she said. “Where's Jessica?”

“I d-d-don't know what hap-p-pened.” I said, the stutter I thought cured years ago rearing its ugly head.

Sandra picked the leotard up and examined it. She found the head and inspected it. “This is an incredibly detailed likeness of Jessica. It even has the birth mark on her stomach.” She held out the spot where the birthmark I had never seen before was. Sandra's hand could be seen through the opaque, nylon-like fabric Jessica had become. “What happened?”

“We were kissing and this happened to her.”

“This happened to her?” She looked at me and then at the body stocking. “What does that mean?”

“We kissed and then she slowly flattened out and turned into-- into that.”

She laughed. “She turned into a body stocking?” She laughed again. “Okay, you got me. Great prank. You can come out now, Jess.” She opened the doors to the two bedrooms looking for Jessica. When she returned the anguished look on my face must have surprised her. “You're serious? There's no way that's Jessica.” When I did not answer she grabbed Jessica and disappeared into her room, closing the door.

After a moment, I walked to her bedroom door and knocked awkwardly. “What are you doing?”

“I'm showing you this...,” she said as she opened the door. She was wearing the ill-fitting body suit that left very little to the imagination. She looked naked except there were wrinkles in places there should not be wrinkles. And a hairy deflated head was hanging in front of her wrinkly boobs. “This is not Jessica.” She reached for the head and pulled it over her head with a bit of difficulty until it passed her chin. “This is some fabulous nylon or Spandex of some kind.” She spun around. “How do I look?”

Her arms and legs and stomach were all wrinkled strangely and the face held a blank expression. “Want me to zip you up?”

“I just want to get out of this. But, sure, let's finish this.” She turned her back to me and I zipped her up.

As the pull of the zipper reached the top, the pull disappeared from my fingers. The zipper began to fade, the wrinkles stretched taut and disappeared. She grew a little taller right before my eyes.

“Holy!” She said as she turned around and felt her face. “What?” She started to say but stopped as Jessica's voice came out of her mouth. “I'm taller?”

“You look and sound like Jessica.”

She reached around back and started to panic. “There's no zipper. How do I get out of here?”

“Calm down, first,” I said.

Jessica's eyes were like daggers going through me. I had never seen her like that before. And then Jessica's eyes closed and she took a deep breath. “You're right. Okay. I should put on some clothes.”

“I don't mind the view.”

“I'm sure Jessica wouldn't want you ogling her body while she's not in it.”


She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself. “Let's start at the beginning. What happened that Jessica turned into this?”

“Nothing. We were kissing and....”

Suddenly, I was kissing Jessica again. Well, no, I was kissing Sandra in Jessica's skin. It felt amazing and we kissed for longer than was ethically appropriate. I was still enjoying the kiss when she stopped and said, “I didn't deflate.”

“I can't look at her naked but kissing her when she's not inside. That's okay?” I said. “And what if you had deflated? Would there be two leotard girls for me to deal with?”

“I didn't think. I just needed to do something. I didn't expect to turn into Jessica in the first place.” Her hands fumbled at her breasts. She seemed enthralled by them.

“Should I leave you alone?”

“They're so big,” Sandra said. “I tease her about them but I'm also a bit jealous.”

“So, I should leave you alone.”

“No, no, we need to figure out how to get Jessica back.”

“Let me look at your neck and back.”

I reached out and touched her where the zipper had disappeared and I found with a light squeeze that a flap appeared.

“That tickles,” she giggled.

“Hush, I think I found something.” The flap appeared again with another touch and I pulled it open. The pull of a zipper appeared and I pulled it down. The suit loosened and became ill-fitting, her body shank and the wrinkled appearance of the fabric returned. Sandra snatched Jessica's head off of her head.

“Oh, thank God,” she said, in her own voice, and she started climbing out of the body skin. Naked. “Oh, thank God,” she repeated as she dropped the skin on the floor. She had an odd look on her face and once again I was being kissed. She held on tight and within seconds she was deflating.

“What? Why?” I exclaimed.

“Wear me all day and see how the other half lives,” She said with a wink. “Try me out.”

“Try you out?”

“Yes, do anything you want? But all day. Promise?” she said with a serious look. “Deflating feels so cool. Squeeze me. It's taking forever.”

“Okay, I promise,” I heard myself say in confusion.

I pushed more air out her. “And restore Jess--” she managed to say before her face went slack and she was just a body suit.

“Jessica always said you were a bit crazy, Sandra.” I said as I held her limp body. It must be me, I realized. I turn people into body suits when I kiss them.

I went into Sandra's bedroom and sat on her bed. I turned Sandra's body suit over a few times. It wasn't very attractive. It was a uniformly medium tan piece of fabric. I looked at its wrinkled face. It lacked depth and character. The nostrils were indistinguishable from the rest of the face. “Can you hear me Sandra?” I did not expect an answer. Nor did I get one. I examined her body in its fabric form. There were fewer details. Her chest only had a hint of her breasts as the fabric did not have any seams to emphasize where her breasts would be. She had a tattoo on her ankle. I remembered it was a unicorn head but on the fabric it just looked like a white smudge that vaguely resembled a horse's head. The area between her legs was featureless, flat like the panties part of pantyhose but, again, with no seams.

My purpose in investigating the body stocking was to find a good reason not to do as she had urged me to do. To wear her. To try her out and do anything with her. I tried to avoid doing it, but I found myself removing my shoes and socks. Taking off my pants and shirt. Removing my underwear. And then I slid a leg into one of hers. It could never work, I thought. Her legs were so much thinner and shorter than mine. My foot wriggled into the bodysuit's foot, which was just a slight bend in the fabric's tubular shape. Once seated, my foot made her foot look ginormous. Thankfully, there were no individual toes to fit my toes into. Getting my other leg in was not hard. As I pulled her up, the suit stretched over my torso and the shoulders lined up. My arms slipped into the arms, again stretching the hands, or gloves, I suppose, as my larger mitts wriggled into the hands. Unlike when she wore Jessica, Sandra was not a saggy body stocking on my body. On my body, she was stretched taut, a full body stocking that revealed my naked shape. I stood in front of the mirror in her closet thinking I looked ridiculous.

Reaching behind me, I pulled the zipper up but it seemed to stop short of the top. Her head was still hanging in front of me. I put a hand in the neck hole and pulled it wide so my head could fit inside. It was not as tight as I expected and soon the top of my head was snug inside her head. The hair on the suit's head was dry and lifeless, unlike Sandra's actual long, luscious hair. My face was providing shape to her face. It was easy to breathe through the fabric. My sight was obscured in the same manner as if I was trying to see through a stocking.

I was in the suit. I was still me. I touched my chest. The suit was so tight I could feel my own muscles through the suit. There was no sense of there being breasts. Then I remembered I had to pull the zipper up some more. As I did, there was a jolt across all my skin, a flash of light, and without warning I was shorter, lighter. Dark, curly hair cascaded across my eyes.

“Hello?” I said in Sandra's voice. That was weird. There was weight on my chest. In the mirror I saw two breasts poking out from my chest. She was not as big a Jessica but she was not flat chested either.

“Try me out,” she had said. I fumbled at her breasts or my breasts. I must have stood there a moment enjoying them before I remembered the other anatomical change. My right hand slid down my stomach to my crotch. My fingers were smaller and thinner than before. My crotch was smooth shaven. I found the opening. There was no bulge down there at all. It was as if I had never had a cock and balls. My fingertip slipped into the opening and I felt a weird rush up my sides and my arms of all places. A little further and I brushed against something that lit up my brain with pleasure.

I stopped myself. I should not be playing with Sandra's body. I should be figuring out how to get these girls back to normal.

“Do anything,” she had said. Was that me remembering what she said or was she communicating with me?

“Sandra?” I said aloud. No response.

I turned and looked at her bed. The knowledge of where she kept a certain item appeared in my mind from nowhere. I got into bed and ran my hand along the hidden edge. Found it. It was a vibrating dildo. I touched it to my right nipple and turned it on. There was no turning back at that point. I had to pleasure myself. Without hesitation, I fingered myself and found I was already a little wet. I teased myself with the end of the toy and soon it was inside me. I could not stop. Over and over I moved it in and out, Sandra's body – no, my body – was building toward climax. What if that was a man, his warm breath in my face, his pelvis pressing onto mine? I have no idea how long it took to get there but it arrived like a tidal wave across my body. I was no longer moving the toy but it was still vibrating and I felt another wave coming. It crashed across me twice more before I turned the thing off. I was breathing heavily and sweating. And before I knew it, I fell asleep.



Seems like a great start to a promising series.