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Adapted from the DollFace, LLC website under a link labeled “Testimonials”...

She stepped out of the tub and pulled out the plug. As her skin tingled, she could tell the DollFace™ brand bath oils she had used in the water were working as advertised. Her skin had just the right shine to it. Wrapped in a fluffy towel she sat at her vanity and did her hair, blowing it dry and brushing it out.

She looked over at the bed and checked that it was made correctly and the satin red sheets lay just right. She opened a jar called DollFace™ Throat Relaxer and removed a small wrapped lozenge. She unwrapped the small, red candy and popped it into her mouth to suck on it. “Mmm, cherry,” she purred. She tossed the wrapper in the small garbage pail next to the vanity and touched the light switch to turn on the running row of lights surrounding the mirror.

Setting aside the jar, she opened the DollFace™ Deluxe Makeup Kit. She applied the DollFace™ Plastic Shine foundation to her face, marveling at how it smoothed away any wrinkles and blemishes while giving her a luminous shine. She darkened her eyelid with a combination of green and dark gray pigments from the DollFace™ Open Eye eye shadow line. She ran the Open Eye black eyeliner expertly around her eyes followed by DollFace™ Open Eye mascara. Her lashes elongated quickly and she could already feel the combination of products holding her eyes open.

She reached for the DollFace™ Flat Eye eye drops and, looking upward, dripped two drops into each eye. She held her eyes open, looking at the ceiling for a moment until she could not feel the coolness of the drops any longer and the room seemed to dim a bit. When she looked into the mirror again, her eyes looked flat and glassy. She turned her head from side to side and up and down a few times just to see how her pupils were immobilized looking straight ahead.

She swallowed what was left of the lozenge before she picked up the DollFace™ Lip Lock lipstick. She chose a cherry red color and applied it to her lips quickly then she looked up again, opening her mouth wide, holding it in a round shape. She added a touch of DollFace™ Skin Firm to her cheeks before looking into the mirror again.

Her face had a plastic shine and her mouth was frozen in a naughty 'O' shape. Her eyes looked fake, painted on even, and stared off into the distance. She would have smiled at how much like a blowup doll her face looked if she could move her face at all. Seeing herself like this, she felt herself already warming up for the night ahead. She attempted to say something to verify the lozenge had done its job. She could not make a sound from her throat.

She fingered herself while she put away the various makeup pencils and powders. This took her a little longer than expected since with her eyes locked in place she had to turn her head to change what was in her field of vision. As she did this she could not help but sneak an occasional glance in the mirror to admire how artificial her face looked. She often thought about doing up just her face and going out in public. She silently laughed as she considered what her boss' face would look like if she were to see her prim and proper office manager looking like this. When she was sufficiently lubricated she took her remote controlled vibrator from the vanity drawer and inserted it inside her warm vagina. She placed the remote on the vanity and hit the pulse button a few times to make sure it was working.

She opened a box of DollFace™ Nipple-Be-Gones and removed the two silicone cones inside. She selected the cones that matched the color of her breasts best. The cones were about an inch long with the point of the cone inverted and pushed back into the bell of the cone another three-eighths of an inch. She pushed her erect nipple into the small hole and applied a little pressure to the outer rim of the cone. Small ridges in the small indentation gripped her nipple and with a sudden pop the outer cone inverted covering her nipple completely. Her breast now looked uniform in color and rose to a rounded, featureless point. She repeated the process on the other breast before running her fingers over her missing nipples. The silicon felt natural and because of the ridges gripping the nipple underneath she could easily feel her fingers moving across the appliance as if it was not there.

She stood up from her seat and draped her towel over the chair. She bent over at the waist allowing her ample breasts to swing freely from her chest. She took the DollFace™ Skin Firm cream and rubbed it on her breasts. She lazily rubbed her hands around her breasts while waiting until she could feel her skin tighten. When she sat back down, her breasts jutted forward from her chest like someone had just glued big boobs onto her chest. With the cream set she could no longer feel the spot where her breasts ended and the nipple cones started.

Next, she rubbed the cream all over her feet and then quickly slipped her feet into a pair of four inch heels. After a moment she slipped one of her feet out of the shoe to admire the shape of her foot stuck pointed down. No more flats for those feet. She removed the other shoe and stood up, balancing on the balls of her feet, her heels held aloft by unseen shoes. She sprayed her body with a can of Skin Firm spray. The spray made her skin smell like cheap rubberized vinyl. It interacted with the bath oils to make her skin shine a little more and to stiffen it up. She put the spray can down and rubbed the Skin Firm cream into her hands. By the time she was returning the lid to the cream her fingers were barely responsive. She poked awkwardly at the remote control and set it to an intermittent pulsing program.

She turned and stiffly walked toward the bed. Everything was in place but her. She stepped up onto a step stool next to the bed and turned facing away from the bed. She enjoyed this part perhaps too much as she let herself fall backwards onto the bed. She lay flat with her legs about shoulder length apart, her feet up to her ankles hanging off the edge of the bed. Her arms were straight with her hands a foot or so away from her hips, her gently cupped hands flat against the bed. Her breasts stood straight up from her chest in defiance of gravity. She was looking straight up at the ceiling.

A few moments passed before she tried to move and found she could not. The vibrator made her feel warm all over but it was only meant to tease until the main attraction. Satisfied, she let her mind drift.

The room was silent for several moments. The doll, as it now thought of itself, patiently awaited its owners return. There was a clock to the right but even if the doll could move, it would not bother to check the time. It was a doll and dolls cared not about time.

Its immobile form showed no reaction when the phone rang. After four rings the answering machine picked up. There was silence while the outgoing message played and then a man's voice announced, “Sorry, Honey, I left late and am now caught in a horrendous traffic jam. The radio says there's a fourteen car pile up at exit 12 and I've already passed the bypass exit so I'm going to be stuck here for a while. I'll call again when the traffic starts moving again.”

The doll would have sighed if it could. It admired the thoughtfulness of its owner. Most doll owners would not call to tell their doll they would be late.


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